搜索 Inô

  • 1908年圣诞节是墨西拿(Messina),地中海最富裕的商人城市之一。彼得(Peter)是一个富有的英国家庭的13岁儿子,因对儿童,动物和仆人的残酷而臭名昭著。一天晚上,他被伏击,并在该市哥特式公墓的地下棺材中醒来,被埋葬以报复一名仆人男孩从其母亲的屋子中对他的残酷对待。当一场强烈的地震将墨西拿夷为平地时,彼得被困住了,他的下落被遗忘…
  • 极具天赋、年轻气盛、自由散漫却依旧备受宠爱的克里斯蒂安是个名副其实的“冠军”,这位摇滚巨星般闪耀的天才球员吸引着全世界无数球迷的目光。相比之下,瓦莱里奥是一位孤独而羞涩的文哲教授,饱受经济问题和过往阴影的困扰。在克里斯蒂安又一次“搞砸”自己的生活后,俱乐部经理决定给他请一位私人导师,帮助他管理那火爆的脾气,并要求他通过…
  • Seemingly perfect high school senior, Olivia, struggles with grief from the recent loss of a friend. When she gets deferred from her dream college she begins to spiral and experiences a series of increasingly frightening panic attacks. In an attempt to regain some sense of control, she embarks on a social media-fueled …
  • 影片表现了13世纪俄国亚历山大·内夫斯基王子率领军民击溃掠夺成性的德国立窝尼亚条顿骑士的业绩。爱森斯坦借鉴民间叙事诗的技巧,使这一爱国史诗具有明显的壮丽歌剧的风格。条顿骑士入侵俄国后,无恶不作。他们洗劫普斯科夫,吊死爱国者。内夫斯基带领人民群众,以伊格纳特等积极分子为骨干力量,保卫了重镇诺夫哥罗德,消灭了叛徒托瓦尔其洛。…
  • 12-year-old Adama lives in a remote village in West Africa. Out beyond the cliffs lies the Land of Breaths, peopled by wicked war-hungry spirits. When his big brother suddenly vanishes from the village, Adama decides to go look for him. Full of desperation and childish innocence, he will traverse Europe at war. The lov…
  • Diego is the victim of a hit and run. His family is unable to pay for the surgeries needed to keep him alive. Pablo, Diego's brother, forms a soccer team and enters a tournament to win the prize money and save his brother's life.
  • 在遥远的未来,一个神秘的男孩成为寻找新希望的核心人物。这孩子是谁?为什么大家都在找他?有时,最好不要知道某些答案。
  • 取材于漫画,一个女孩为了生存在涩谷出卖她的身体。  在过去的两个星期后离家出走,在街上幸存下来由香已在涩谷靠卖她的身体。她认为所有的人都是白痴,从自己的经验和他们作为一个暴力的中年男子,和她工作的兼职强迫她与他发生关系,以换取租金的店铺经理等。她可以信任的唯一的人是她最好的朋友,左恭。有一天,她和另外一个女孩,Maika,…
  • Reporter Emanuelle (Laura Gemser) is doing a story on the white slave trade and tracks everything to a gangster living in Africa. Not happy stopping there, Emanuelle comes back to America and begins working undercover. This is probably the best of the D'Amato/Gemser Emanuelle movies but that's not saying too much. Unli…