搜索 Ina

  • 励志成为作家的筱雯,机缘巧合下遇见摄影师Mike并捡到一只白色的猫“小龙”。筱雯将小龙带到公寓附近的猫咪咖啡店MEO,并请求店主阿丹收养小龙。没有男朋友的筱雯将面临诸多选择:欢喜冤家摄影师Mike、温柔暖心的猫咪咖啡店店主阿丹、青梅竹马的宠物医生丁葛还是曾经以事业为重将筱雯拒绝的学长篮吉哥?
  • 励志成为作家的筱雯,机缘巧合下遇见摄影师Mike并捡到一只白色的猫“小龙”。筱雯将小龙带到公寓附近的猫咪咖啡店MEO,并请求店主阿丹收养小龙。没有男朋友的筱雯将面临诸多选择:欢喜冤家摄影师Mike、温柔暖心的猫咪咖啡店店主阿丹、青梅竹马的宠物医生丁葛还是曾经以事业为重将筱雯拒绝的学长篮吉哥?
  • Mavka - a beautiful forest nymph and soul of the Forest - faces an impossible choice between love and her duty as guardian to the Heart of the Forest, when she falls in love with a human - the talented young musician Lukash. Our story is about the magical power of love. That kind of love that enables human nature to fi…
  • From living a normal life to surviving homelessness in the city of Miami, Peter is a victim of the turbulent US recession during late 2000's. A drama based on true events. A heartbreaking chronicle witnessing a drastic character transformation when he is exposed to the harsh cruelties the streets reveal.
  • The story revolves around Luisa Palmeira, born in France from Portuguese immigrants. In 1979, Luisa is eight years old. Almost a grown-up in the eyes of her illiterate mother, she remains just a little girl to her hard-drinking father. One day, he trusts her with a heavy secret he suffers from a serious illness. But sh…
  • Wulan, a supermarket employee, is abandoned by her irresponsible boyfriend after finding out about her early pregnancy. Wulan needs to take responsibility for herself and her unborn child. Wulan's desperation leads her to “Support Pregnancy” online group that claims as a pro-life volunteer. The group introduces Wulan t…
  • 《为时不晚》妻子是一个含蓄保守的家庭主妇,Felix是个很有吸引力又傲慢的出租车司机,他们完全没有共同之处。于是他有了一个喜欢的女人Silke,他们一起分享痛苦和快乐,在一次畅饮后,抛弃一切的烦恼和阻碍,最终一起春宵一刻,却造成了致命的后果。\r  Silke很快发现他怀孕了,她还是个未成年,而Felix却不想要这个孩子。\r  她希望留住…
  • Ranas家族是一个富裕的父权制家庭,他们渴望通过一个男婴的诞生来延续家族血统。此时,他们的小儿子秘密加入了一家色情舞蹈剧院,并爱上了一个雄心勃勃的变性女星。两人间无法开花结果的爱情故事将逐渐唤醒整个Ranas家族的性爱欲望。
  • 父母要离婚,但他们为了各自的工作,采取各种方法让孩子厌恶自己。在这种对抗过程中,一家人又渐渐找回了在一起的温馨与感动。
  • 影片《人前囧事》是由奥斯卡·乔纳森担任导演和编剧的喜剧片。男主人公性格内向孤僻,平时不爱与人有过多的接触和交流。他的职业是广告策划,平时在一家普通的广告公司上班。在日常的工作和生活中,他呆头呆脑的性格时常会闹出许多笑话。偶然有一天,他和一个女生有了一场临时约会,然后两人便迅速坠入了爱河。然而,任何关系都不会永远的平稳顺…