搜索 Ice

  • <p>  1949年布拉格,解放不到一年的捷克人民正享受着来之不易的自由和快乐。10岁男孩艾达和好友汤达住在布拉格郊外的小镇上,这个年龄的孩子活泼、顽皮,他们所在的班级更是全校闻名的问题班。女教师马绍娃在这群坏小子的折磨下(Daniela Kolárová 饰)精神崩溃,头疼不已的校长(Rudolf Hrusínský 饰)只好请来曾参加过反法西…
  •   CAN witnesses a murder in a small town.The police don't allow him to leave after his testimony.On the other hand,a quarantine is declared due to rabid dogs.The whole town turns into purgatory with no exit is almost at the edge of insanit…
  •   Continuing after the first "Subspecies", a woman who has just become a vampire tries to escape the evil vampire, Radu, who seeks her as his love interest. But she has taken the vampire family's bloodstone, and now Radu must fin…
  •   一个刚刚从精神病院放出的年轻人,很容易被当作是杀人狂。这个悲剧几乎让人无法痛恨影片结尾误杀了彼得的探长,这是一个误会的死环。没有哪个角色要背负观众的诅咒和痛恨(也许应该是彼得的母亲),是这个社会的惯常势力观念,让所有人都觉得,疯狂、精神病态就应该是杀人暴力的嫌疑犯。没有人辩解,精神非常态的不知道辩解,偶尔或许有人无…
  • <p>  1,因驾驶失误,富商爱德华(Bruce Payne 饰)的妻子爱玛(Denice D. Lewis 饰)不幸死于车祸,极度伤心和内疚的爱德华通过《死亡之书》的帮助,使爱玛复活。然而事情的发展却出乎他的意料……<br/>  2,疯狂科学家迈登博士(David Warner 饰)躲在寒冷的实验室里,潜心进行他的长寿研究。百年的岁月流逝,他和女助手日久…
  •   Entre la tripulación de la expedición capitaneada por Cristóbal Colón viajan tres hombres que ya deberían haber muerto. Han podido evitar sus ejecuciones a cambio de participar en el incierto viaje. Ahora, han robado la vela de la San…
  • 虽然怪兽被消灭了,但露营地仍然不安全!另一群男男女女又来作死以及相互做爱了,殊不知危险将近,而第一部的女主角也回归续集,拯救众人。
  •   A young boy overcomes his obsessive fears by discovering a love for books in this animated fantasy adventure. In a live action wraparound, Macaulay Culkin stars as Richard Tyler, an easily bullied, nervous wreck of a kid who's an expert …
  •   Still in the thrall of the evil vampire Radu, Michelle yearns to be taught the skills of the vampire. Meanwhile, her sister Becky tries to free her from his evil clutches, and this time, she's brought some help...
  •   In 1974, the Portuguese and their descendants fled Angola where nationalist groups gradually claimed their territory back. A tribal girl discovers love and death when her path crosses that of a Portuguese soldier. Then, a Portuguese squa…