搜索 Hou

  •   Among the trees, young women and men working the summer harvest develop new feelings, flirt, try to understand each other, find - and flee - deeper connections.
  • 凯迪佳是一位40多岁的非洲裔女性,为一个富裕的巴黎家庭工作。夏天到来时,雇主提议让她前往科西嘉岛照顾孩子整个夏天。对于她和女儿杰西卡和法拉赫来说,这是一个难得的机会,可以回到15年前因悲惨事件而离开的那个岛屿。在这个夏天,两个少女沉浸在各种诱惑中:意外的相遇,冒险,还有初恋……
  • <p>  在黑人青年埃尔金(马奎斯·休斯顿 Marques Houston 饰)和大卫(Omarion Grandberry 饰)的生命中,舞蹈有着不可撼动的崇高地位,无论是快乐还是悲伤,他们都能通过舞蹈将感情传递和发散出来。互为死党的两人有一个共同的梦想,那就是能够通过舞蹈一举成名,他们想要将他们独特的舞姿录成录影带公开发行,通过他们的热情带领更多…
  • 岳港市第一分隊長朱坡,特立獨行手腳俐落,對偵查細節絕不放過,對美食更是愛不釋口。他所經手的案件中,屢次暗藏集團的犯罪線索,並牽涉一名神祕老練的殺手,讓調查更加難以突破。好不容易擺脫菜鳥學妹吳薇、獨自去吃鍋,又被強迫和注重儀式用餐的殺手黎子東併桌,卻意外發現對方也是個專業吃貨。兩人嗑法不同、各有講究,氣味相投卻又不甘示弱…
  •   “所有人都变成了琉璃一般的东西,然后他们都消失了……“ 长安惊现幻境危机,各方势力潜滋暗长,马蹄疾乱、剑锋争鸣,王者英雄少年李白能找到真正的幕后真凶吗?
  •   A docudrama telling the story of director Mona Achache's mother, with actors portraying real life characters.
  •   As she nears the end of her pregnancy, Itto and her in-laws find their lives turned upside down by a supernatural event.
  • 《独家内幕》由真实事件改编,是关于坚韧新闻报道的内部故事,讲述了一次惊天动地的采访,即安德鲁王子在 BBC《新闻之夜》节目中备受争议的露面。从制片人萨姆·麦卡利斯特与白金汉宫重大谈判的紧张局势,一直到埃米莉·梅特利斯与王子的惊掉下巴的访谈对决,《独家内幕》与那些不惜一切代价获取真相的女性一起带我们深入了解这个故事。要得到这…
  • Marie Richardson leads the star ensemble in a heart-warming homage to all mothers, reminding us that it’s never too late for a fresh start in life.  All the old friends are invited to Karin (Richardson) and Sten’s (Bj?rn Kjellman) celebra…
  • <p>  The story opens in Balochistan, in a small, scarcely ‘wired’ village bordering Iran and Afghanistan. Ahmad is an idealistic teacher in exile, educating the local community; his partner Haseeba, however, has spent time in jail i…