搜索 Hood

  • 居住在德里,以卖枪为生的社会青年索努.迪力一向得意于自己坑蒙拐骗的本领,然而突如其来的恋爱却唤起了他回归正道的念头。在他想要退出江湖时,一位质朴的警察来了,在他的威胁之下,索努被迫作为警方线人深入德里枪支贸易的最深处,从黑暗走向更深的黑暗……他能否全身而退?他的爱情会被谎言所断送吗?警方看似正义的行动背后有什么秘密?这…
  • 一对正在浪漫度假的夫妇发现自己被搁浅在海上时,风暴席卷了他们的海上别墅。为了生存,他们被迫与恶劣的环境搏斗,而鲨鱼则在他们下面盘旋。
  • <p>  可爱到震,舞姿杀死人!一群具杀伤力的动物逃离澳洲野生动物园,重投荒野的怀抱,大名鼎鼎的树熊 “小帅哥”也跟著来,一场大追捕将要展开!全新亲子喜剧《荒野老友记》配音阵容鼎盛,有艾娜菲舒亚 (Isla Fisher)、Tim Minchin、艾力宾拿 (Eric Bana)、佳皮雅斯 (Guy Pearce)、Miranda Tapsell、Angus I…
  •   We follow the hits and (more often than not) the misses of two hapless, dead-broke contract killers who frankly, are more of a danger to themselves than to anyone else. Each episode sees Fran (Sue Perkins) and Jamie (Mel Giedroyc) try to…
  • 在不久的将来,一种神秘的病毒已经占据了世界人口的很大一部分。一旦被污染,它会在一天内杀死宿主。没有永久的治愈方法,只有每24小时恢复一次的临时血清。特种部队雇佣兵诺亚的小女儿就是感染者之一。当一个神秘的恐怖组织从绝密实验室偷走了一种永久的治疗方法时,诺亚被招募去取回它,并最终挽救了他女儿的生命。原本已经很危险的任务变成了…
  • Zaynab, a thirty-something Pakistani, Muslim, lesbian in Chicago takes care of her sweet and TV-obsessed mother. As Zaynab falls for Alma, a bold and very bright Mexican woman, she searches for her identity in life, love and wrestling.
  • <p>  查理(拉兹·阿隆索 Laz Alonso 饰)和雷(多米尼克·隆巴多兹 Domenick Lombardozzi 饰)是两名经验十分丰富的法警,面对越来越多的越狱事件,他们深深感到变革的必要,对于他们来说,能够成功追捕罪犯的最佳人选并不是警察,而是罪犯本身。<br/>  就这样,一个秘密小组在查理和雷的管理下被组织了起来。心理学家劳埃德(…
  • Heaven is now happily married and ready to settle back in her hometown. But after a trip to Farthinggale Manor, Heaven is persuaded to stay. Lured by her grandfather to live amidst the wealthy and privileged Heaven seems to have it all until the ghosts of her past rise up once more, threatening her precious new life.
  • based on the second book in the Casteel Series, Heaven has finally found the new life she always dreamed of with her newly discovered grandparents. Upon closer inspection, beauty and riches hide sinister secrets Heaven has tried desperately to rid herself of.
  • 职业罪犯小吉尔伯特·加尔文(杜哈明饰)从美国监狱逃出并越过边境进入加拿大,在加拿大,他化名为罗伯特·怀特曼,有了新的身份。在坠入爱河并结婚后,他声称接受了一份旅行安全顾问的工作,但他大胆的犯罪行为仍在继续。在他向终身黑帮成员汤米(吉布森)寻求投资后,他的事业变得更加复杂,他卷入了加拿大历史上最大的抢劫案,这使他成为跨国追捕…