二战中德军节节败退,但战事的失利没能阻止德军在他们的法国殖民地的大屠杀,相反德军开始了更加疯狂的屠杀。巴黎的医生于连(菲利浦•诺瓦雷 Philippe Noiret 饰)由于感到城里日渐紧张的气氛,他怕家人遭遇不测,于是安排了他的妻子和孩子回乡下暂避风头。 于连送了妻子回乡不觉已过一段时间,他决定回乡探望家人。孰料他回到乡下,看到的…
The Palm Desert band Eagles of Death metal was performing at the Bataclan theater in Paris in November 2015 when terrorists opened fire, killing 89 people. The best friends who formed the band lead us through the horror and its aftermath…
罗德(安迪•萨姆伯格 Andy Samberg 饰)与同母异父的弟弟凯文(乔玛•塔昆 Jorma Taccone 饰),以及两个又二又丧的朋友组成了一个特技飞车小组。飞车手罗德的生活中只有两件事:继承死去的特技车手父亲的遗志,打赢强壮的继父弗兰克(伊恩•麦柯肖恩 Ian McShane 饰)。但罗德的所有特技表演几乎都沦为疯狂的自毁举动,而全副武装后的每一…
An ambitious lawyer kills her gardener by mistake, fearing her chances with the law and the impact this will have on her career at a prestigious firm, she turns to her best friend to help her get rid of the body.