When a fracking environmental accident rips apart the earth's crust, the resulting hole lets out prehistoric sharks from underground. The sharks target a group of women and trap them in a cabin.
Murphy is a mega-famous canine TV star who is fed up with being treated like a 'cash-machine' by Hollywood executives. He escapes and a group of loving kids save him.
流浪汉查理(查理·卓别林 Charlie Chaplin 饰)随队伍来到阿拉斯加淘金。他在一间小木屋里碰见了通缉犯拉逊,接着淘金人吉姆也闯进来,并抢走了拉逊的枪。拉逊出去找食物时发现了吉姆正在开发的金矿,于是他没回木屋。小木屋里,饥肠辘辘的查理煮了皮鞋充饥,饿的神智恍惚的吉姆却把查理想象成火鸡追杀。突然,一头熊撞进来,两人一起把熊打死…
根据畅销小说《Women of the other world》改编。主人公Elena Michaels是一名女摄影师。她一直隐藏着自己的真实身份并努力过着平常人的生活。可惜事与愿违,一通神秘来电打破了她平静的生活。从古至今一直是狼人庇护所的Stonehaven接连出现尸体,狼人族群收到未知猎人的匿名威胁。被迫回到Stonehaven的Elena能否揭开血案后的真相?…