搜索 Hauser

  • Filmed live on stage at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood, CA, this not-to-be-missed high energy show stars Original Broadway cast members Jeremy Jordan as Jack Kelly, Kara Lindsay as Katherine, Ben Fankhauser as Davey and Andrew Keenan-Bolger as Crutchie. They're joined by North American Tour stars Steve Blanchard as …
  • Unemployed Czech-speaking writer Nicholas Whistler thinks he's got a job visiting Prague for a bit of industrial espionage. In fact he is now in the employ of British Intelligence. His pretty chauffeuse on arrival behind the Iron Curtain, Comrade Simonova, is herself a Czech agent. Just as well she's immediately attrac…
  • 该片改编自同名儿童小说,麦卡锡将同原著作者斯蒂芬·帕斯蒂斯共同编剧。该小说讲述一个11岁的小男孩蒂米·菲悟,他是一个毫无头绪,却又自信搞笑的私家侦探机构总裁。而他的搭档是一只想象出的北极熊。
  •   Danny Says is a documentary on the life and times of Danny Fields. Since 1966, Danny Fields has played a pivotal role in music and "culture" of the late 20th century: working for the Doors, Cream, Lou Reed, Nico, Judy Collins a…
  • 曾师从法国默剧大师贾克·乐寇的多米尼克·阿贝尔与菲奥娜·戈登这对比利时夫妇在电影界一直是非常独特的存在,他们擅长承袭自默剧伟大传统的夸张肢体表演,风格常被形容为“诗意滑稽剧”。本片是他们的最新作品,讲述一个曾参与恐怖袭击的前社会活动家多年后因面临受害者报复而与妻子和好友 谋划逃亡的故事。这部影片在以往的梦幻喜剧色彩上更…
  • 曾经作恶多端的大坏蛋麦克迈(威尔·法瑞尔 Will Ferrell 配音)在弃恶从善,化身为大都会的守卫者后,他当初发明出来的一系列邪恶道具再无用处。麦克迈灵机一动,举办了一次邪恶巢穴展销会,将恐怖泰迪熊、蜘蛛机器人、激光枪、火焰喷射器、死亡靴轮等当年的邪恶作品拿出来拍卖,任市民们选购。黄昏将近,拥挤不堪的巢穴变得空空荡荡,不过还有…
  • While returning from a military expedition a helicopter crash lands a commando unit in a dense, remote tropical jungle – a lost world populated by dinosaurs. Now they must find a way out of this isolated valley before becoming prey for pre…
  • 法兰克福市遭到热浪袭击,市内工人纷纷罢工,堆积如山的垃圾引起鼠患问题,老鼠群在市内无孔不入,更可怕的是它们身上带有一种不知名的可致命病毒。卡田医生(Anne Cathrin Buhtz 饰)急忙研制一种免疫疫苗以拯救市民。但灾难控制员弗兰克(Ralph Herforth 饰)明白传统的灭鼠方法并不可行,唯一解救方法只有独闯鼠穴…...收起
  • Filmed live on stage at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood, CA, this not-to-be-missed high energy show stars Original Broadway cast members Jeremy Jordan as "Jack Kelly," Kara Lindsay as "Katherine," Ben Fankhauser as "Davey" and Andrew Keenan-Bolger as "Crutchie". They're joined …