搜索 Hart

  •   在一部电视纪录片中,五个令人不寒而栗的故事浮出水面:科学家们观察到一个不寻常的男孩盯着电视看,孩子们开始了一场湖上滑雪冒险,一个电视摄制组在自然灾害中挣扎求生,早期的VR唤醒了一些可怕的东西,一个致命的梦被记录在录像带上。”20世纪80年代的邪恶秘密以一种你从未见过的方式变得栩栩如生。
  •   A team-building conference for municipal employees which turns into a nightmare when accusations of corruption begin to circulate and plague the work environment. At the same time, a mysterious figure begins murdering the participants.
  •   身材火辣的应召女郎茱莉,喜欢录下与客人交欢的镜头。这次她照例录下自己的交易镜头,但对方却是个杀手。杀手将茱莉灭口,不过接着自己也随之身亡;一连串的迷团,其中更牵扯上政治和宠大的商业利益,绝非单纯的情欲……
  • 英国郊区,一家人搬到一幢黑色的公寓中。父亲(HannsZischler饰)在修葺院子时猝死,母亲(SinéadCusack饰)则自此患病,每况愈下。为了不使四个孩子被福利机构领走,母亲坚持不去医院,最终郁郁离开人世。长子杰克(AndrewRobertson饰)与长女朱莉(CharlotteGainsbourg夏洛特•甘斯布饰)将母亲的尸体偷偷沉进水泥之中,带着弟妹汤姆(Ned…
  •   In the dark landscape of the Mississippi Delta, a bare knuckle cage fighter seeks to repay his debts in a final, desperate attempt to salvage the family home of his dying foster mother.
  • <p>  Star, a suicidal teen now too old for foster care, develops a candid rapport with An, a student from Shanghai who is assigned to watch her while she is in hospital. A nightly exchange of secrets, text messages and possessions qu…
  • 加州风之谷的男孩达克(Dark)拥有将自己的记忆以影像方式重新呈现的奇特能力。这对他来说既是天赋也是痛苦,因为不幸会被保留得一清二楚。翘家多年后达克有了自己的男友,他和男友回到风之谷后惊讶发现母亲已经再婚,前男友成为了家族生意的经理人,自己更多出了一对陌生的继父和继弟。 风之谷因他的到来而开始上演一系列神秘事件,一个针对达…
  • Mflow entertainment 、Kantana、9NAA Production和 Jinloe四家制作公司联合制作,以泰国娱乐圈为背景,一班新星奋斗的故事。  KJ经纪公司的故事,一家知名经纪公司计画创建和制作一个系列。  因此聚集有梦想的年轻人加入「超越艺员」项目,发展娱乐圈各方面的能力,但在成为超级明星的过程中总会有障碍, 爱、承诺和梦想哪一个更重要?
  • Filming has started on BBC Two’s critically acclaimed drama The Last Kingdom, from Carnival Films. The second series, adapted by BAFTA-nominated and RTS award-winning writer Stephen Butchard from Bernard Cornwell’s bestselling series of no…
  •   The action of the film takes place in 1943. The title character is a cosmopolitan and incapable of deeper feelings seducer. In Poland, he lost his entire family. Alone - being in the heart of Nazi Germany - he hides his Jewish origins an…