搜索 Harri

  • After the death of their adoptive mother, a shy butcher and his drama queen twin sister leave the UK and adventure to Australia in search of their biological mother, but the local townsfolk of Two Heads Creek are hiding a dark secret the pair must reconcile their differences to fight for their lives in this playfully d…
  • yle=color: rgb(14, 14, 14); f>在菲律宾一个风景优美的海边小镇,有一群十几岁的男孩正在逐渐成长。某天,有一个迷人而神秘的女人带着秘密和危险向他们接近,他们又同时发展出怎样的懵懂爱情呢?
  • After waking up from a horrific car accident, April must find a way to work through her trauma and a will to survive a recovery from hell.
  • <p>  详细介绍了网络战的现状,并警告我们现在已经进入了新的由国家力量支持的网络战争的军备竞赛之中。目前,每个人都理所应当地认为各个国家都拥有国家级网络武器,它们正在变得更 加高端复杂,从监听侦查行为向破坏行为发展。<br/>  全球网络暗战正在升温,而赌注也不再局限于电脑的虚拟世界。现在 ,部分由爱德华·斯诺登公…
  •   Danny Says is a documentary on the life and times of Danny Fields. Since 1966, Danny Fields has played a pivotal role in music and "culture" of the late 20th century: working for the Doors, Cream, Lou Reed, Nico, Judy Collins a…
  • Dutch immigrant, Harry deLeyer, journeyed to the United States after World War II and developed a transformative relationship with a broken down Amish plow horse he rescued off a slaughter truck bound for the glue factory. Harry paid eighty dollars for the horse and named him Snowman. In less than two years, Harry Snow…
  •   本片由三个短篇故事组成:年轻女孩和迷你猪住在一栋肮葬公寓裡,她真的只有一个人吗?又聋又哑的夫妇被一群小混混攻击,不过他们受到一只神秘护身符的保护;一个男子在性爱夜店裡迷失,有人告诉他只要服下由「风茄」的根製成的药,就能体验无上的性爱,却没人告诉他极致的性爱也将带来最恐怖的副作用…
  • 讲述一个年轻小伙在与一个银行家的美貌妻子偷情后,接踵而至的神秘死亡事件与巨额的人寿保险赔偿,令他陷入了无尽的麻烦当中...
  • <p>  乔(大卫·斯佩德 David Spade 饰)自幼就不是一个让人省心的孩子,总是不断的在制造着麻烦,需要父母不停的跟在后面帮他擦屁股。终于有一天,乔的母亲米西(夏洛特·麦金尼 Charlotte McKinney 饰)再也忍受不了这个傻儿子了,于是和丈夫一拍即合,两人谎称带乔出去旅游,借此机会将他丢到了一个完全陌生的城市里。<br/…
  • 1958年拍摄的铁达尼号沉船灾难故事片旧版。这是一部载入史册的影片;本片描写了1912年号称“世界之最”的英国豪华游轮“泰坦尼克”号的“处航”因撞冰山沉没的情景,真实而生动的刻画了不同身份、不同阶层的人物,以及在“泰坦尼克”号沉没过程中,他们所表现出来的各种精神面貌。