- A group of documentary filmmakers are filming a TV special about the events which occurred at the famous and mysterious abandoned Cain Hill asylum many years earlier, and the unexplained abductions and murders that have occurred at the site since then. The group soon learn that one of the inmates never left Cain Hill a…
- 纪录片系列超越了伯明翰伊丽莎白女王医院的剧院大门,外科医生将医学界推向了极限。 第1集:即使是一个小错误都是灾难性的操作。阿登布鲁克和皇家帕普沃斯医院的外科医生切除了一个危及生命的肿瘤,并修复了一名年轻患者的主动脉。
- CONOR McGREGOR NOTORIOUS, filmed over the course of 4 years, is a gripping access-all- areas account of McGregor's personal and professional journey from claiming benefits and living in his mum's spare room with his girlfriend to claiming multiple championship belts and 9-figure pay packets. Featuring exclusive intervi…
- 讲述战争逐渐走向尾声,德国战败的结局也越来越近。威尔汉姆因临阵脱逃罪被编入缓刑营,重新回到战场的弗雷德汉姆与之前判若两人,眼里只有麻木和冷血。格雷塔被军官以叛国罪起诉关进了监狱,维克多为了活命加入到波兰游击队,每个人都在等待着战争的结束。威尔汉姆杀死了缓刑营的长官,和一位战友一起逃了出来,走上逃往家乡的路。监狱里的格雷…