<p> 亚特兰大南部的贫民区里,生活着17岁的黑人拉沙德(提普·哈里斯Tip Harris饰)和他14岁的弟弟安特(伊万·洛斯Evan Ross Naess饰)。拉沙德像很多黑人孩子一样,热衷溜旱冰、HIP-HOP音乐,青春似乎可以无忧无虑;然而现实却是非常残酷的,他的父母已经双亡,照顾弟弟成长,为弟弟赚够学费的重担,就落在了拉沙德身上。偏偏安特又…
When the remains of two murdered Princes are discovered at the Tower of London, a troubled Priest must put his beliefs aside to befriend a mysterious prisoner, who has supernatural powers to communicate with the dead. Together they must …
<p> 21世纪初,在今日英国多元文化背景下,四个文化背景不同的年轻人,毒品的狂欢,暴力的宣泄,伦敦贫民区.<br/> An adrenaline filled weekend of party's, drugs, and violence seen through the eyes of four multicultural friends living in the melting pot that…