搜索 Geum

  • A beautiful Chinese woman visits a quiet rural village. She will get married to Gil-soo, a divorced man she met at the church. Her outstanding appearance and yuankan.cc impeccable charms make Gil-soo rather uneasy, and suspicions that her Chinese wife will have something that is going to snowball. It leads to an uncont…
  • 正顺是一位在食品厂工作的中年单身妇女,她和工厂同事永洙在秘密交往。幽会途中,永洙偶尔会用手机拍摄正顺。有一天,正顺感觉到她的同事们在都背后议论她。当她开始寻找问题所在,才发现是永洙把她的视频传播给了他们的同事,她的世界一瞬间土崩瓦解。