搜索 Geo

  • 尼克被前女友莎拉狠狠地甩了之後,還是傻傻地當著她的工具人,為她到狗公園遛狗。在那裡他遇見一位愛狗女子潔絲敏,兩人很快地發現彼此是真愛並陷入熱戀。只是當莎拉發現尼克開心的樣子,頓時心生不滿,決定想辦法破壞兩人的關係。兩人的關係陷入危機,得靠人類跟狗朋友幫忙,才有辦法扭轉劣勢。
  • <p>  本剧将刻画伊丽莎白一世的早年人生,聚焦年轻的孤女伊丽莎白·都铎,在走向王位的过程中,卷入了英国宫廷权力和性别政治的斗争中。<br/>  亨利八世去世后,他九岁的儿子爱德华登上王位,由此引发了一场危险的权力争夺战。伊丽莎白、爱德华,以及他们的姐姐玛丽发现,在英格兰大家族和试图夺取英国掌控权的欧洲列强的这场博…
  •   Two women spend a weekend together at the North Sea. Walks on the beach, fish buns at a snack stand, mobile weather forecasts. Sky, horizon, water. One of them will soon return to her family in Argentina while the other one will try to c…
  • The film tells futurist, architect, and inventor R. Buckminster Fuller's incredible story through two teens hoping to get laid, become punk gods, and survive high school.
  •   A writer who discovers an unquiet spirit inhabits a remote farmhouse.
  •   Follow the story of Al Capone, from his start in New York and his move to Chicago to follow and join Johnny Torrio. Learn how their work for Big Jim Colosimo and the decisions they made stemmed from changing times and helped shape the hi…
  •   Comedy set in the social services department of a local authority. Social workers Rose and Al swim against the tide of bureaucracy, deal with the absurdities of life and try to navigate their equally trying professional and personal live…
  •   山姆·克拉弗林加盟蒂莫西·斯波主演犯罪惊悚片[腐败](The Corrupted,暂译),罗·思卡佩罗执导,片中山姆·克拉弗林扮演一个犯有前科的人,而他欲得到家人的爱和信任。然而他的未来却被克利福德·卡伦(蒂莫西·斯波饰)为首的犯罪组织影响,而他更是被牵扯进一桩有关金融届、警察届等的腐败圈之中。该片将在柏林电影节寻找买家。
  • Goldie, a precocious teenager in a family shelter, wages war against the system to keep her sisters together while she pursues her dreams of being a dancer. This is a story about displaced youth, ambition, and maintaining your spirit in the face of insurmountable obstacles.
  • 康沃尔渔村的风景明信片田园诗误导了人们。虽然过去钓鱼是一种养家糊口的方式,但如今富有的伦敦游客纷纷下山,取代了当地人,当地人的生计因此受到威胁。史蒂文和马丁兄弟的关系也很紧张。马丁是一个没有船的渔夫,因为史蒂文开始用它来为一整天的游客提供更赚钱的旅游。他们卖掉了这座家庭别墅,现在看来,最后一场战斗是和新主人在海边的停车…