搜索 Gene

  • Léo, a contemporary artist, wants to reconnect with Élise, his former companion but Vincent Van Gogh, who returned to our time, fell in love with her. An over-realistic love triangle emerges and artistic issues appear in the background.
  • A Parisian museum director believes his wife has lost interest in him and so places a poisoned cigarette in the box on his desk - thus allowing chance to decide the moment of his death.
  • 影片聚焦在安娜的童年、青春以及成年时期的不同阶段,三个重要的人生时刻,都充满了欲望,同时也诠释了她的一生。
  • <p>  法国南部的Chauvet岩洞里,有三万年前的原始壁画,还有冰河时期的哺乳动物化石,但洞口一直被落石封住,直到1994年被科学家偶然发现。这个宝贵的洞穴被严密保护着,赫尔佐格只获准进洞拍摄六天,每天四小时,他还采访了相关研究的科学家们,用他特有的方式,探索史前人类对事物的认知和表达方式、艺术和文明史的诞生、以及现今围绕…
  •   两个人之间的爱情是否也会被人厌恶?同性恋者与基督教之间的分歧是否注定成为无法跨越的鸿沟?圣经又是怎样被用来为这种厌恶辩护的?这些问题就是丹尼尔·G·卡斯雷克拍摄的这部《圣经上这么说》所关注的中心。
  • 《四月的某时》(Sometimes in April)——描写西方世界没有参与调停的1994年卢旺达大屠杀的悲惨影片,加入了柏林电影节的竞赛单元,是为期11天的电影节中两部关于此暴行的影片之一。与特里乔治的《卢旺达饭店》关注的是同一背景和题材,拉乌尔佩克却以不同的途径展示了内战的创伤。这两部影片和《卡雅利沙的卡门》可看出南非电影的升温。 浓笔重…
  • 1926年前后,为追寻革命真理而苦闷彷徨的知识青年肖涧秋,应好友小学校长陶慕侃邀请,来到江南小镇芙蓉镇教书。肖涧秋了解到自己的同学李志豪牺牲在战场上,留下寡妻文嫂和一双儿女,便主动承担起照顾他们的责任。同时,肖涧秋也认识了陶慕侃的妹妹,两人产生爱意,也引起小镇的富家子弟、一直追求陶岚的钱正兴的嫉恨。
  • In fourteenth-century England, peasant girl Christine Carpenter is so attracted to a statue of the Virgin Mary that the local priest (who lusts after her) suggests she be walled up in the church as an anchoress, a holy woman with responsibility for blessing the villagers. But when the priest has Christine's mother trie…
  • <p>  Father Brown tries to transport a historically important cross to Rome engaging in battles of wits and faith with a thief and pursuing policeman. The thief, named Flambeau (Finch), is a master of disguise and is elusive, as Fath…
  • <p>  HOSPITAL shows the daily activities of a large urban hospital with the emphasis on the emergency ward and<br/>  outpatient clinics. The cases depicted illustrate how medical expertise, availability of resources,<br/>…