- DC动画电影《蝙蝠侠:漫长的万圣节》下部发布预告,宣布将于7月27日数字上线,8月10日发行蓝光。下部定级为R,而PG-13的上部此前已宣布6月22日发蓝光。双面人来临,毒藤女、小丑、稻草人……等等哥谭众恶人登场,年轻的蝙蝠侠面对系列谋杀案和神秘的“假日杀手”,很带感。 该片改编自著名同名漫画,詹森·阿克斯(《邪恶力量》)配音蝙蝠侠,…
- A very famous and successful Santoor ( Iranian traditional instrument ) player falls in the trap of drugs and loses everything in his life gradually ! even his wife who was in love with him .he struggles to give up smoking and finds his way to a medical institute and manages to give up smoking .
- When his increasingly depraved behavior spirals out of control, Marcus retreats to his family home along the New England coast. But instead of finding solace, Marcus is haunted by his darkest fears and deepest desires. Is he losing his mind or has something terrible burrowed deep within him Incubating. Waiting until th…