- Young Emma Miller (Danielle Chuchran) would appear to be lucky. This beautiful Amish girl has a loving family and the community's most eligible young man, Jacob (Kellen Boyle), wants to marry her. But she has more on her mind than buggies, bonnets and making her special goat cheese - Emma is secretly obsessed with Jane…
- <p> C.E.75 ,战斗还在持续着。<br/> 来自独立运动“蓝色宇宙”的进攻……<br/> 为将事态平息,以拉克丝为第一任总裁的世界和平监视组织·COMPASS 成立,基拉等人作为其中的一员介入各地的战斗。<br/> 就在这时,新兴国家“凡恩戴森”提出对“蓝色宇宙”根据地的联合作战。</p>
- 期望不受束缚自由自在生活的遥,与最好的伙伴们迎来高中最后的夏天。因为看不到毕业后的将来而感到迷茫,无法集中精神,继而与担心他的真琴等人争吵起来。和这群无可取代的同伴们有着深厚牵绊的遥,想去的未来究竟在哪里呢?