- based on the smash video game series by Double Fine Productions (Psychonauts, Broken Age) and the world originally created by Tasha Sounart, Costume Quest is a funny and mysterious animated series aimed at six to 11-year-olds. The show stars four kids facing off against the dark forces lurking in the shadows of their s…
- 电视剧版《功夫熊猫》集中讲述了熊猫阿宝在成为“神龙大侠”不久后又面对的重重艰难考验,剧情将填补两部电影版《功夫熊猫》之间的空隙,人物设定将沿用电影版,“中国元素”仍将成为其亮点。此外,电视剧版《功夫熊猫》中将出现不少新角色,“他们大都是反派,功夫盖世,对阿宝造成不小的威胁。”