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  • Tez kills for money. Charles Mahr, a legendary gangster, hires her to avenge the murder of one of his couriers. Once in Brussels, she gets caught up in the thicket of an intrigue in which she herself becomes the prey. Tez has to decide whose instrument she wants to be.
  • 距格罗姆少校抓住瘟疫医生已经一年多了,圣彼得堡已经从动乱中恢复过来,谢尔盖-拉祖莫夫斯基住进了精神病院,伊戈尔-格罗姆成了这座城市的头号名人。格罗姆少校的生活非常完美--白天,他与搭档迪马-杜宾一起抓捕罪犯,晚上则与记者尤利娅-普切尔金娜共度良宵。  然而,一个自称 "幽灵 "的神秘恶棍出现在这座城市,打破了这一完美的…
  • A charming guy attempts to pick up a woman in a bar by spinning a tale involving spies, implanted microchips and the dangerous military scientist hunting him.
  • The year is 1963. A women's liberation movement the size of today's #MeToo movement has been underway for a while, and it's rolling across the Western world like an avalanche. In a luxury flat in central Copenhagen we meet one of the period's biggest female writers, Tove Ditlevsen, accompanied by her husband, the sadis…
  • A young girl stays with her estranged grandparents in the city while she waits for the results of her audition for an international performance group. Her grandparents welcome her, delighted about the chance to get to know their granddaughter better. While staying at the house, the girl gets to know her uncle, who suff…
  • 13岁的玛莎(安娜·奇波夫斯卡娅 Anya Chipovskaya 饰)在拳击台和街头之间度过了她的童年。她的朋友们并非寻常之辈,而是那些在90年代饱受城市唾弃的人,他们以杀戮和抢劫为生,然而对于玛莎而言,他们却是她生命中最亲密、最守护的人。在一个充满动荡和挑战的年代,玛莎与这些街头兄弟结成了牢固的联盟,她以优美的爵士乐声为他们伴奏,同时怀…
  • 当一位年轻女子爱上一位迷人的摄影师时,她冒着被纽约一个封闭小团体排斥的风险,而这个小团体由她最好的朋友所领导,这位好友同时也是社交名媛。
  • 在记录数十年前的电视广播录像带时,视频档案管理员詹姆斯(岑勇康 饰)发现了一个神秘且令人不安的广播信号入侵(BSI),视频中一个戴着面具的人行为异常诡异。这段影像引起了詹姆斯的兴趣,随着调查的推进,他发现这可能是一场十分危险的阴谋,并将其与包括他妻子汉娜在内的几名妇女的失踪联系起来……
  • 阿纳斯以前是一名说唱歌手,他在卡萨布兰卡一个工人社区的文化中心找到了工作。在这位新老师的鼓励之下,学生们努力摆脱传统的束缚,通过嘻哈来表达自己,对生活更加充满热情。
  • <p>In an adventure comedy, brothers Snot and Splash (R?k? and Roiskis) try to catch a thief who is stealing holes in town, only to end up saving the entire world from being sucked into a collapsing waste disposal system.  源自:nk2/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.locarnofestival.ch%2Ffestival%2Fprogram%2Ffilm.html%3Ffid%3Deb…