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  • The series follows smart, capable and by the book Grace Narayan (Anjli Mohindra), who was flying high as an inner-city police sergeant before being forced into a 'punishment posting' on the small, antiquated island of St. Jory. Confronted by the forgotten and unsolved case of missing teenage boy Cai, Grace quickly disc…
  • After joining the Military following the death of his mother, Jake Williams returns home from war to his Father, Paul, and his sister, Brittney. Shortly after making amends with his father, Paul, for leaving them, Jake is left with the struggle of taking care of his sister and his fathers multi-million dollar company a…
  •   Twelve teams of dogs and their humans compete in an epic adventure across multiple continents
  • In this notorious Nazi propaganda historical costume melodrama, a conniving, ambitious Jewish businessman, Suess Oppenheimer, snares a post as treasurer to the Duke of Wurttemburg by showering the corrupt duke with treasure and promises of even greater riches. As the Jew's schemes grow more elaborate and his actions mo…
  • 克里斯福特(麦斯·米科尔森 Mads Mikkelsen 饰)拥有成功的事业优渥的收入和一位美艳性感的娇妻,俨然一副人生赢家的姿态。然而,克里斯福特拥有着并不快乐的童年,他的父亲在二十五年前离家出走从此音信全无,而如今,克里斯福特终于得到了父亲的消息,只不过是死讯。  克里斯福特带着妻子返回布拉格,去处理父亲的后事。对于这早已经物是人…
  • 斯文德和贝安是一对有着各自伤心事的难兄难弟,他们是一家肉制品店的屠夫,经常受到刻薄老板的冷嘲热讽,二人一气之下索性破釜沉舟拿出全部身家,合伙开了一家属于自己的店铺。阴差阳错机缘巧合之下,斯文德把冻死在冷库的电工大腿切下来,当成鸡肉卖给了自己从前的老板。没成想老板的烧烤聚会之后,斯文德的秘制“鸡肉”成为了小镇上的网红食品…
  • <p>  1967年,丹麦电影导演乔根·莱斯(Jørgen Leth)创作出颇具实验色彩的作品《完美的人(Det perfekte menneske)》。也许乔根本人都没料到,四十多年后,他的作品竟会以如此奇特的方式被人记起和关注。始作俑者拉斯·冯·特里尔,Dogma95的发起者,他邀请乔森按照常识(challenge on the technique)、表达…
  •   美国设计师真人秀《天桥风云》第十六季开播了!经过海选的设计师将在节目中根据不同的挑战进行设计,最终选出冠军。本季挑战升级,设计师将为不同身材的模特进行设计。除了设计本身外,设计师之间的各种抓马也是节目的一大看点。
  • 一事无成整日捣鼓艺术品的赫曼在叔叔的介绍下,住进了一间神秘的单间公寓,那里他遇到了一位改变他命运的“缪斯”。
  • 外表妖艳迷人、珠光宝气的年轻女子爱尔丝(Betty Amann 贝蒂•阿曼 饰)实则是一个珠宝小偷,她凭借自己的外表迷惑珠宝店老板的注意力,然后伺机行窃。但在某次行动时,她被珠宝店老板捉住,正值刚毅的巡警埃尔伯特(Gustav Fröhlich 饰)对爱尔丝进行认真的调查。  爱尔丝使出浑身解数勾引面前的这名警察,最终埃尔伯特拜倒在她的石榴裙下,…