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  • 【资讯】导演金鎮雅将执导由Insook Chappell编剧,英国电影协会给予开发支持的韩英合拍电影《巴里公主》。  电影《巴里公主》改编自黃晳暎作家的韩国小说《巴里公主》,小说以朝鲜族巫俗神话故事为基础,讲述脱北少女巴里跨越东亚和大洋进入西欧伦敦的故事,展现了韩半岛和全世界面对绝望、暴力、战争和恐怖袭击的样子。电影主要讲述巴里在伦…
  • 这部八集系列节目拍摄于2023年,在朴智旻和田柾国入伍韩国军队之前,它记录了两人前往三个标志性全球目的地的旅行:美国纽约州、韩国济州岛和日本札幌。  《Are You Sure?!》将带领观众跟随智旻和柾国一同展开充满乐趣的旅程,他们会一起吃饭、购物、烹饪、露营、划独木舟、游泳和公路旅行,并且会更深入地展现智旻和柾国之间不可否认的化学反…
  • In the backwoods of Ontario lies a town called Kinmount. This little hamlet of only a few hundred residents no longer has a gas station or a school; however, thanks to the singular vision of local septuagenarian Keith Stata, what it does boast is a five-screen cinema palace and memorabilia museum—one that welcomes upwa…
  • Tez kills for money. Charles Mahr, a legendary gangster, hires her to avenge the murder of one of his couriers. Once in Brussels, she gets caught up in the thicket of an intrigue in which she herself becomes the prey. Tez has to decide whose instrument she wants to be.
  • 距格罗姆少校抓住瘟疫医生已经一年多了,圣彼得堡已经从动乱中恢复过来,谢尔盖-拉祖莫夫斯基住进了精神病院,伊戈尔-格罗姆成了这座城市的头号名人。格罗姆少校的生活非常完美--白天,他与搭档迪马-杜宾一起抓捕罪犯,晚上则与记者尤利娅-普切尔金娜共度良宵。  然而,一个自称 "幽灵 "的神秘恶棍出现在这座城市,打破了这一完美的…
  • Journalist goes undercover to investigate an uncover sex slavery organized by the international criminal underground.
  • After a car accident leaves her boyfriend in a coma, April’s panic attacks return and make her life a living hell. However, once she accepts the kindness of a stranger trying to help her, she realizes that he might not be the stranger she …
  • A charming guy attempts to pick up a woman in a bar by spinning a tale involving spies, implanted microchips and the dangerous military scientist hunting him.
  • 本片讲述一边是住在公寓的管理员,一边用PC制作并演奏唯一“喜欢的东西”——音乐的青年·清澄,与住在楼上的刚失恋的女性·潮的邂逅开始的青春故事。每天都很期待听清澄歌曲漏音传到楼上的潮,宣布要传播他的音乐,并在SNS上发布演奏视频。以此为契机,澄清的世界发生了巨大变化。