搜索 Dima

  • 在他的爱妻去世后,心里不平衡画家本认为自己是文森特·梵高的转世,于是他挖出她的尸体 - 与他的恋尸癖管家的帮助下 - 将其带回给他的城堡,并用它赋予“灵感”。很快他就遇到一位美丽的音乐家,她的长相相酷似他已故的妻子,他将她带回自己的城堡。然而,她最终发现了他们的秘密:管家杀害了这个年轻女子并用她的尸体的血液当作他们 “生命的…
  • A comic celebration of dreamers and their dreams, LIVING IN OBLIVION is the second film written and directed by Tom DiCillo. With a tone that teeters somewhere between Kafka and the Marx Brothers, it chronicles the hilarious misadventures of a group of people who have joined together to accomplish one of the most diffi…
  • 罗德里格斯在上世纪70年代发行过两张专辑《Cold Fact》与《Coming From Reality》,在南非有超过50万的销量且知名度可与滚石乐队相提并论。但与其他知名的美国歌手不同,南非的歌迷得不到任何一点关于罗德里格斯的信息,除了专辑歌曲之外唯一能了解的只有专 辑封面上一张并不清晰的相片。两张专辑后,他好像也就此销声匿迹。  对于在南非的辉…
  •   Blood Sisters tells the story of two friends Sarah (Ini Dima-Okojie) and Kemi (Nancy Isime). Sarah is engaged to her dream man, Kola (Deyemi Okanlawon.) However, their seemingly idyllic union has a dark side.
  •   A Nigerian woman and an Indian man won't let cultural differences get in the way of their romance.
  • 这部新片名为《梦乡》(Dreamland),由曾在圣丹斯电影节摘得评审团特别奖的导演Miles Joris-Peyrafitte执导。故事背景设定在20世纪30年代的美国,经济萧条和沙尘暴肆虐着美国的普通百姓,一个15岁的男孩为了高额的赏金开始漫漫追捕路,他的目标正是玛歌特·罗比饰演的女劫匪。
  •   电子游戏冠军Max Troy应游戏开发公司Sentinel之邀为一款最新第一人称射击游戏做测试,却发现游戏中发生的一切都会反映在现实世界之中。他很快就发现这款游戏的主人公是Sentinel公司的前员工Orson Creed,他正因不明原因被这家公司远程操控。Max和Orson必须联合起来调查这家游戏公司背后的阴谋,并且阻止这款游戏流向市面。
  • Robin and Jenna are getting married. Robin is excited beyond words; Jenna is plagued by panic attacks and struggles to write her vows. But when they arrive at their secluded fairy-tale venue, sinister forces besiege them, threatening to tear them apart.
  • A cautionary tale told in three contradicting accounts; this is a story of a broadcasting student who discovers the shady truth about the TV reporter he idolizes.