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  • 根据导演Franco Zeffirelli本人的早年个人经历改编,讲述二战期间,一群热爱意大利文化艺术的女性在佛罗伦萨和圣吉米尼亚诺的经历,其中包括和墨索里尼喝茶的前英国大使夫人(Maggie Smith饰)、帮雇主照顾私生子卢卡的玛丽(Joan Plowright饰)、艺术热爱者阿拉贝拉(Judi Dench饰)、年轻英国记者康妮(Tessa Pritchard饰)、干练的…
  •   Joe Thunderhorse, a Sioux Indian who has become the wealthy star of a Wild West show, returns home to his reservation after years away and finds that his father is dying and his people are being abused by corrupt white officials.
  • While hunting in the jungle, one day, Vijay save the life of a young man from the sudden attack of a wild hawk. There and then Vijay realizes that he have just save the life of a miraculous snake who have the powers to take the form of a human and who have been dating his beloved; also a miraculous female snake. Vijay …
  • The Muppets are back in a new zany comedy, Muppets from Space. The Muppets embark on a hilarious extra terrestrial adventure in hopes of finding out about Gonzo's family members are aliens from a distant planet!  Gonzo then gets a message that his relatives are coming for a visit, from outer space! But when word gets o…
  • <p>  女孩艾米(艾米·舒默 Amy Schumer 饰),从小被父亲教导婚姻不现实,一夫一妻不现实,长大后热衷泡吧,一直与不同男人约会却从不恋爱。一天,身为男性杂志编辑的她,前去采访一位专为运动员治疗运动损伤的医生亚伦(比尔·哈德尔 Bill Hader 饰),不料遇见了可能终结她完美单身生活的真命天子。<br/>  本片由…
  • 四个大学同学在雷诺赌场度过了一个愉快的夜晚,无意中听到一个警察说抢劫赌场是“不可能的”,这让他们当中最聪明的有钱人想到了一个完美的抢劫计划。他说服其他人加入,当他们听说这只是一个大学骗局时,他的计划是让警察知道钱在哪里。问题是,他的一个朋友在战争中头部受伤,不打算退一角钱。
  • 因为妻子的意外身亡,皮(Phi)一位拳师,决定返回越南,为妻子报仇、血债血偿。在他越南家乡的村庄里,他不但确认了凶手是一个名叫巴劳的当地一霸,同时,还发现了隐藏在其背后的秘密。命运又一次让皮面临选择——是只身为妻子报仇?还是选择舍弃个人恩怨而保护家乡的村民?
  • Dark Spell is a story about the girl named Zhenya who suffers from being in love with her husband that has left her, so she decides to bring him back. Desperate heroine casts a spell called Black Wedding, which is a magical ritual known for its great power and irreversibility. After the ritual, her beloved husband come…
  •   1995年7月,斯雷布雷尼察。艾达是联合国的一名翻译。当塞尔维亚军队入侵波什尼亚克飞地并接管那里的权力时,她和她的家人和其他成千上万的人一样,在联合国营地寻求保护。激烈的政治谈判开始了,阿伊达不得不进行翻译,通过翻译她得知了致命而残酷的信息。但尽管信息的爆炸性极强,她还是坚持着逃脱迫在眉睫的命运的希望。
  • 维里达是个摩登女孩,她在一家美容沙龙工作,沉迷社交媒体,也喜欢和朋友出去玩儿。但是她却要和一个父母安排的男人结婚。和她同龄的女孩一样,她必须遵照当地习俗,在婚前疯狂增重,因为在毛里塔尼亚旧俗标准下,丰腴的身体代表女性的美貌、魅力、财富和社会地位。婚礼将近,维里达还在催肥,但是她却开始质疑这所谓的标准,并试图找回她真正喜…