搜索 Darshana

  •   A dark rainy night, an empty house, a stranded couple and an unknown man. A sleek game of the cat and the mouse starts playing on, as the three of them find a dead body in the basement.
  •   Four close friends who live together in Bangalore. The friendship filled with fun and humor which quickly changes into a gripping mystery that keeps the spectators on the edge of their seats and leaves them with mixed feelings.
  •   吉米在社交网络上遇见了安努并迅速爱上了她,但仅靠网络联系让吉米疑窦丛生,于是他拜托远在洛杉矶的表哥,使用黑客手段调查安努的真实背景。与2018年的爆款电影《网络谜踪》一样,本片也全程以电子屏幕为主画面,通过信息拼凑揭开线下谜团。印度导演马赫什·纳拉亚南将传统悬疑片放置在网络世界里,以快节奏分屏制造紧张感,带给观众强烈的…