- 我是李明月,我的夫君是大唐九皇子李谦。我们的结合纯粹是因大唐和汐月结盟而来的政治婚姻。我俩彼此厌恶、貌合神离,但半年相处,我们竟对对方渐生好感。然而正当我对爱情到来心生甜蜜时。新的麻烦接踵而来,我青梅竹马、视作哥哥的仆固云伺要来第三者插足。更要命的是,我发现我之前半年的种种遭遇竟都是与大唐的死敌南麓,及大唐诸皇子对…
- We are in the year 2001, a temporary ceasefire brings a much-needed break to a small war-torn village in Northern Nepal, bringing much joy among the residents. Prakash and Kiran, two young close friends, are also starting to feel the change in the air. Though they are divided by caste and social creed, they remain inse…