搜索 Csaba

  • Join Marshall and Demetrius, two quirky FBI Agents from the intellectual property division, as they embark on an unexpected adventure in this action packed comedy. Sent away on a seemingly mundane copyright case, our unlikely heroes stumble upon a global conspiracy involving programmed homeless assassins. Teaming up wi…
  • 自殺不成的老婦人,屢次從頂樓一躍而下卻無法如願以償,只好再次跛腳步上公寓頂樓。每經過一層樓,便經過一段光怪陸離。七層樓,七種人生樣貌,詭異至極、毫無邏輯,以黑色幽默之姿一窺當代生活,笑看人性的虛偽及庸俗,笑到最後卻忍不住心底發毛。  匈牙利導演喬治帕爾菲二○○二年初試啼聲,便以處女作《田園風光》一炮而紅。其後的《百年癲…
  •   Gergö and his teenage friends are into three things: partying, sex, and their online following. One night, at a party, Lilla falls victim to the boys. A dare gets out of hand and the youngsters' world changes forever overnight.
  •   在巴黎惨遭女友抛弃的中年失意大叔托马斯回到匈牙利修养,却翻出自己年轻时写下的一首首稚嫩的烂情诗。记忆一下子被推回到往日时光。曾经的浪漫花海为何变成一片贫瘠;往日的“我爱你”为何落得分手再见;曾经的快乐少年为何成为发福大叔。托马斯试图从记忆中寻找出缘由,却发现在成长中所有的喜怒哀乐,所有的爱与恨,都不过是人生的珍贵体…