- Superjail! is an American animated television series produced by Augenblick Studios the first season and Titmouse, Inc. the second and third season. The series follows the events that take place in an unusual prison.[3] The pilot episode aired on television on May 13, 2007, and its first season began on September 28, 2…
- 伊娃原本是英国皇家芭蕾舞团的芭蕾舞者,随着舞团远赴日本、中国、俄国表演,天天过着掌声加鲜花的日子,宛如明日之星。然而一次舞台上的意外,伊娃的腿受 伤了,她的舞者生命当下及被医生宣判了死刑。原本打算嫁作人妇的她,却遇上未婚夫劈腿,失意的她来到伦敦街头巧遇了另一名古巴籍的舞者欧瑞尔。欧瑞尔这次 再没通过甄试,就要被送回古巴,…
- WRITERS RETREAT is a horror film written by Jeremy Sheldon C.M. Taylor set on fictional Kilton Island where strangers come together to develop their writing. Mark Twain famously said Write what you know. But how far would you go to find material for the ultimate bestseller At a writer's retreat on an isolated island, n…
- 奥麦莉是一名高级海军军官,同时也是一名带着两个孩子的单身母亲,她和高级将领同时也是战斗英雄的尼尔森建立了恋爱关系,但不久她发现尼尔森已经结婚了,并很快断绝了他们之间的关系,就在奥麦莉试图重新开始自己生活时,一天夜晚,她被一个持枪入侵者从睡梦中惊醒,经过搏斗,她开枪打死了那个bbb。法庭判定她是误杀,但罪犯却是尼尔森,军方…