搜索 Chae

  • An international group of film students finds a disturbing video clip on the dark web which seems to contain poltergeist phenomena. Agreed that it's just what they need for their latest documentary project the group travels to the sanatorium shown in the video clip. Once there, they rig up their camera equipment and st…
  • 发生在五个厕所里的五个故事。这部黑色幽默情景喜剧无情地揭示了社会最黑暗的角落,将人性中背信弃义的故事编绘成杂锦展现给观众。五个彼此缠绕的故事以暗示的手法讲述,意图向观众阐释对道德的谴责。(豆瓣字幕翻译2.0小组)
  • <p>  欧战尾声,盟军上下逐渐弥漫着乐观的情绪。为了提前结束战争,各地盟军将领认为只要一番猛攻,便可提早直捣柏林结束战争。于是轻率地将大批伞兵空投在德军营地背后,去攻占阿纳姆的那座横跨莱茵河的大桥。不料遭遇德军的顽强抵抗,盟军付出了伤亡惨重的代价。这场堪称二战中最具戏剧性的战役,终以盟军的惨痛失败而告终。<…
  • <p>  欧战尾声,盟军上下逐渐弥漫着乐观的情绪。为了提前结束战争,各地盟军将领认为只要一番猛攻,便可提早直捣柏林结束战争。于是轻率地将大批伞兵空投在德军营地背后,去攻占阿纳姆的那座横跨莱茵河的大桥。不料遭遇德军的顽强抵抗,盟军付出了伤亡惨重的代价。这场堪称二战中最具戏剧性的战役,终以盟军的惨痛失败而告终。<…
  •   Judy是庞克摇滚乐团DUH的贝斯手,她梦想着成为全职的音乐家。为了替乐团的首次巡回演出找到适合的厢型车,她必须和吃人大叔成为盟友。吃人大叔是一位有魅力、爱吃人的乡巴佬。除了艰困的摇滚乐人生之外,Judy还要想办法处理那些巡回演出后被吃一半的尸体。
  •   911接線員艾莉絲是個生活孤單的年輕女性;某天,她居然收到一份詭異的快遞:一副棺材!驚嚇之餘、不得已只能將棺材暫放客廳的艾莉絲,為了找出寄送者的身分,展開一場怪誕旅程。送棺材給她的,究竟是鬼屋主人、殯葬業者,還是與她分分合合的前男友賽斯?這一切背後又有什麼離奇動機呢?
  •   After surviving an IED explosion in combat overseas, a young soldier with the Army Motorcycle Unit is medically discharged with a broken back and leg. Against all odds he trains to make an impossible comeback as a motocross racer in orde…
  • Times are tough, listener-ship is down and Clarence Lindeweiler needs to come up with a plan to save his struggling alternative rock radio station...
  • 当一个小镇的一家人在森林里发现一扇废弃的门时,情况变得很糟,这究竟只是一扇废弃的门,还是一个通往黑暗世界的大门?
  • When a new teacher arrives at school he finds students that are extremely well behaved and soon uncovers a special class of very young children forming a hive mind, keeping the students and teachers calm and focused with murderous results.