搜索 Chae

  • When the driver manages to crash the car on the road in the middle of nowhere the four-man-passenger-team (well, 1 girl and 3 guys, actually) have no other choice than to walk through the dark woods to the nearest hostel. Combine this scenario with zombies, a hockey-mask wearing giant and an annoying doll who demands p…
  • 一种可怕而又残酷的病毒席卷了整个世界,导致地球上99.9%的人类都不复存在,不仅如此,这些死去的人们还变异成为了嗜血残暴的行尸走肉,威胁着生下的0.1%的人类的生命,整个世界都陷入了混乱之中。故事开始于英国的一个避难所,幸运的活下来的人们聚集在这里,艰难的维系着仅存的秩序和安全地带,其中包括马多克斯(菲利普·布罗迪 Philip…
  • Major Palgrave, an idiosyncratic but charming mystery writer, reveals to Miss Marple that one of the guests at a luxurious Caribbean resort they're staying at is a Bluebeard-type wife murderer. Unfortunately, the Major succumbs to an apparently accidental overdose of alcohol and blood pressure medication before reveali…
  • 荒郊野外,深山老林,一辆失事的汽车斜倚在山坡上,其周身弥漫着死亡的气息。副驾驶座上,一个男人(艾德里安·布洛迪 Adrien Brody 饰)从昏迷中苏醒,他全身上下到处是伤痕,右腿更骨折且被变形的车紧紧夹住。糟糕的是,因为车祸时的剧烈冲击,令他出现暂时性的失忆。他不知道自己的姓名与身份,从何而来,因何险些横尸这片森林之中,后作那个…
  • Afflicted with a mysterious disease after surviving an overdose, a woman returns to her childhood home to confront her personal demons but instead discovers a real one.
  • 自诩行侠仗义、绝不伤害人命的劫匪帕克带领同伙洗劫俄亥俄一座游乐场,谁知最后关头却遭背叛,身受重伤,命悬一线。死里逃生的帕克迅速从医院逃出,他有条不紊搞来现金,准备假证件。为了讨回自己应得的那份钱,他查到同伙梅兰德等人的消息,一路尾随前来。与此同时,有着芝加哥黑手党背景的梅兰德等人察觉到帕克的行踪和动机,也唆使杀手追杀这…
  • Successful businessman Jake takes his pregnant girlfriend Lindsey on a babymoon trip to an upscale desert resort. When they get there, Lindsey discovers that Jake's meddlesome soon to be ex-wife, Gwen is there too. In a dream vacation gone wrong, it becomes apparent that someone is determined that Lindsey will never us…
  • 为了寻找一只价值连城的古老的印第安面具,性感女杀手、猫王模仿者、印第安人、西部牛仔、侏儒、赌场大亨、族长、妓女,警察等各色人马轮番登场,各种离奇事件层出不穷,冷笑话接连来袭,看似一场闹剧,却是一个精心策划的局,究竟谁是幕后操纵eee?
  • 大牌影星朱·巴瑞摩尔曾在著名科幻巨片《E.T.外星人》中饰演一位惹人喜爱的小女孩歌蒂,而在《欲海潮》一片中,观众所看到的巴瑞摩尔已不再是一个小女孩了,她已经成长为一名成熟性感的大艳女。  茜维是一个叛逆不平的富家女,在一个偶然的机会遇到了与自己个性迥然不同的艾薇,她热情开放的举止及特有的神秘色彩让茜维为之震撼,因好奇心驱使…
  • Jonathan MacKinlay(Michael Jefferson 饰)经历了一场恐怖的车祸,这场车祸杀死了他的妻子,自此事之后,Jonathan MacKinlay一直患有恐怖症。妻子死后,他将自己困在家中,每天如此,只有他最好的朋友Taylor(Andrew Ruth 饰)、他的心理医生能帮他打破这种单调乏味的生活。后来,他开始相信有邪恶力量存在于他的家中,但是,这是真的吗?还是…