搜索 Cedrick

  • 他看守著神秘的魔法之門,為了追查受詛咒的復仇之書,他來到發生一連串警方未解謀殺案的小鎮,在當地魔法人員協助下緝捕到謀殺案背後的策劃者,但隨即發現有更深不可測的黑魔法在計劃著終結人類世界!他來得及阻止這場毀滅嗎?
  • Two girls grow up as best friends in an Innu community. While Mikuan has a loving family, Shaniss is picking up the pieces of her shattered childhood. As children, they promised each other to stick together no matter what. But as they're about to turn 17, their friendship is shaken when Mikuan falls for a white boy, an…
  •   《游戏男孩》导演伊万·安德鲁·帕亚瓦尔(Ivan Andrew Payawal)新作。一对同志夫夫彼此都不愿做零,于是他们让第三个男人介入。但当背叛和嫉妒潜入,他们的关系紧跟着支离破碎。