  • <p>  故事发生在一个幽静美丽景色宜人的私人社区之中,尼克(弗兰克·格里罗 Frank Grillo 饰)带着妻子萨拉(马利索·妮可 Marisol Nichols 饰)和两个孩子从繁华大都市洛杉矶移居至此,成为了小镇的新警长,尼克和萨拉都希望平静安逸的小镇生活能够治愈过往在他们心灵上所造成的创伤,然而,这样单纯美好的愿望真的能够成真吗?<…
  •   Race for the White House is a thrilling six-part CNN Original Series narrated by Academy Award winner Kevin Spacey. Using rare archival footage, interviews, and stylized dramatizations, each hour-long episode tells the story of one iconi…
  • Jaya and Yogi set out on a short journey to retrace past relationships and end up in the most eventful, strange, crazy trip of their lives. This short journey through Rishikesh, Bikaner and Gangtok with the ups and downs, the missed trains and taxi rides, the heartbreak and the mending of old friendships, the quarrels …
  •   A struggling country singer meets a Nashville songwriter in need of inspiration. Teaming up to write a song, their work gets complicated but results in both a hit song...and true love.
  • 平时是厨神的话痨贾格纳特,每每破除符咒后,就变身为婆罗门战神DJ,在警察的帮助下直接杀死罪犯,因为他不相信印度的司法系统。当自己的叔叔因土地黑手党而死时,他替所有其他受害者伸张正义,并面对真正的罪魁祸首。
  •   四次世界冠军巴拿马拳击手罗伯托·杜恩的故事。他一人击毁了世界,超越了自己的运动,帮助一个国家崛起,对抗中情局资助的独裁者,实现了独立。从他在街上擦鞋的日子到在世界各地整理竞技场,这就是现代巴拿马及其最著名的孩子的故事。
  • 西尔维斯特·史泰龙旗下制片公司巴尔博亚制片公司(Balboa Productions)将打造多部影片,其中史泰龙或将参演两部影片[撒玛利亚](Samaritan,暂译)及[亨特](Hunter,暂译)。  [撒玛利亚]由布拉吉·F·舒特编剧,该片定义为黑暗且具有新鲜感的超级英雄题材影片,该片预计明年开拍。
  • The film centers around a girl who inherits a miniature horse that develops an unlikely friendship with her half-sister's Jack Russell Terrier, who takes to riding on the horse's back.
  • 薇娜在高中转学上课的第一天,因说话带有浓厚的口音,受尽同学嘲笑。但有四位女孩和一名男孩站出来为她解围,后来他们成为了朋友,并组成「自由帮」。二十三年后,薇娜在医院偶遇当年的朋友克丽丝。克丽丝身患末期重症,她希望薇娜能帮她完成心愿:让「自由帮」再次聚首。于是薇娜踏上一段寻友之旅。
  •   Four close friends who live together in Bangalore. The friendship filled with fun and humor which quickly changes into a gripping mystery that keeps the spectators on the edge of their seats and leaves them with mixed feelings.