搜索 C

  •   When the clever but socially-awkward Tetê joins a new school, she'll do anything to fit in. But the queen bee among her classmates has other ideas.
  •   Nightride is a dryly humorous real time one shot thriller set on the midnight streets of Belfast. It places us in the driver’s seat with smalltime dealer Budge as he tries to pull one last deal with cash borrowed from a dangerous loan s…
  •   A coming of age psychological thriller that plays out the unsettling reality of a kid who holds his family captive in a hole in the ground.
  •   克莱尔·芙伊、詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊将主演惊悚新片[我的儿子](My Son,暂译)。该片改编自2017年法国同名影片,原版导演克里斯蒂安·卡里翁将执导这部英语版影片。麦卡沃伊将饰演一位儿子失踪了的父亲,他前往前妻(芙伊饰)居住的小镇,寻找谜团的答案。为了体现迷惑感,麦卡沃伊将不会拿到剧本,而是根据每场戏的发展即兴发挥。STXfilms…
  •   15岁的丽兹是法国阿尔卑斯地区的一名高中生,她通过了一家标准极为严格的滑雪俱乐部的选拔,该俱乐部的目标是培养未来的职业滑雪运动员。曾获得滑雪冠军的弗雷德担任她的教练,他无视丽兹经验的缺乏,决定将她打造成耀眼的滑雪明星。在弗雷德的控制下,丽兹在训练中不得不承受巨大的身心压力。她能否通过自己的意志摆脱弗雷德的控制呢?
  • A night of unimaginable terror awaits twelve-year-old, Bobby, and his best friend, Kevin, when they are abducted on their way home from school.  Managing to escape his confines, Bobby navigates the dark halls, praying his presence goes unn…
  • <p>  本片聚焦第一波新冠疫情中受到极大冲击的英国护理中心。<br/>  在利物浦一个虚构的护理中心,一名年轻的护工(Jodie Comer)和一位病人(Stephen Graham),两人的生活因春季爆发的新冠疫情而永远改变。<br/>  Sarah很聪明,但在学习和工作 中一直都不合群。家人认为她注定一事无成,但她意外地发现在阳光护理中心…
  •   葛蕾絲是一名青少年舞者,她希望透過進入卓越的古典芭蕾舞學院來獲得母親的認可,但甄試結果卻始終未能如願。某天,她意外與網路新崛起的混音編曲家佛雷瓦相識,不同於古典樂的奔放節奏,讓葛蕾絲跳著即興的舞步,更讓葛蕾絲在現代音樂中找到屬於自己真正的舞蹈熱情,佛雷瓦的經紀人將這段舞蹈畫面上傳到網路,網友引起瘋傳,直到這一切被葛…
  • 聚焦青少年自杀、心理疾病等问题,讲述一个深受社交恐惧折磨的高中生编造故事,试图接近一个已自杀的同学的家庭。对“局外人”、心理创伤和人性的探讨细腻、私人,触动心灵。
  • Russian operatives hijack a commercial American jet, planning to crash it into a nuclear power plant near Washington, D.C. resulting in fallout that will devastate the Eastern seaboard. With little time for Air Force fighters to shoot it down, the passengers and crew aboard the aircraft must rely on their own military …