搜索 Byambasuren

  • <p>  外蒙古,一望无际的戈壁滩,辽阔深远。牧民们保持着最原始的生活习惯,逐水草而居,对上天充满着敬畏。生活虽然清贫,他们却自足、快乐,尽情享受着大自然的恩惠,与宇宙洪荒融为一体。<br/>  某户人家饲养的的母骆驼产下一头罕见的白色幼崽,母亲拒绝为孩子哺乳。在风沙强劲、气候恶劣的戈壁滩上 ,幼崽的生命受大极大威…
  • Amra is growing up in the Mongolian steppe between herds of goats and YouTube videos. His hopes and dreams revolve around someday performing onstage in Mongolia's Got Talent. However, the fight against the exploitation by gold mining companies and the campaign for a viable environment soon challenge the boy's eclectic …