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  • A college student finds herself caught up in a circle of young women enjoying the high life and funding their dreams by "socializing" with a jet set crowd of older men until one girl turns up missing and the collegiate risks her own life to find the truth.
  • When a malevolent force takes hold in the kingdoms of Agonos, a lone knight must embark on a perilous quest to find the last dragon, and save the world from this great and growing evil.
  • The fifth season of the stop-motion television series Robot Chicken originally aired in the United States on Cartoon Network's late night programing block, Adult Swim. Season five officially began on December 12, 2010 on Adult Swim, with Robot Chicken's DP Christmas Special,[3] and will contain a total of twenty episod…
  • 《惊天逆转》是一部在班夫世界媒体节的洛基奖国际比赛中获得最佳动画项目奖,并在墨尔本网络节、柏林网络节和新视野国际电影节等众多国际电影节中获得提名和正式入选的动画纪录片。故事取材于澳大利亚不同的时期,剧中人物来自不同社会群体。他们的故事为我们的社会树立了一面镜子,使我们理性思考我们作为一个社会或一种文化应当如何描述,通过…
  • King Sombra曾经统治小马国边缘的水晶王国,带来了无尽的苦难。后来他被塞拉斯迪亚公主和露娜公主联合击败,变成阴影,并被放逐。  一千年后,King Sombra卷土重来,想要重新统治水晶王国。大公主希望暮光闪闪一行去保护水晶王国,免受King Sombra的再度袭击。他们克服重重困难和阻挠,去保护水晶王国,并让那里再度恢复生机。
  • Here we go again! Not only is it time for 20 fresh episodes of soul-pummelling, mind-blowing, award-winning stop-motion sketch comedy funnedlled from the colono of the ADULT SWIM late-night hypno-hellacious sock hop, it's also time for more words on the back of the DVD describing the contents within! Words words words …
  • It's back! Season two of ADULT SWIM high-octane hellspawn returns with 20 freshly hatched episodes! It's a brain-scrambling bonanza of pop culture-crushing sketch comedy, acted out by chunks of  wire and plastic cunningly crafted frame by people and animals, then stop-motion animated frame by painstaking frame in the s…
  • 阳光明媚的一天,家中再次发生大混战,汤姆和杰瑞这对冤家你追我赶,飙完汽车开飞机,从屋内达到园子,甚至连睡觉的斯派克也加入战争。在这三个麻烦制造者的联合努力下,房子被夷为平地,满目疮痍。女主人气得将汤姆和杰瑞赶了出去,就在此时,他们看到一则消息。好莱坞制作人策划了一场飙车大赛,胜利者将获得一栋超豪华的别墅。两个家伙大喜过…
  • 麦克(Carme Calvell 配音)是一个可爱而又机灵的十二岁男孩,他的父亲斯科特(Toni Mora 配音)和祖父弗兰克(Camillo García 配音)都是宇航员,但是他们的光辉成绩早已经泯灭在漫长的时间洪流里,成为了被人们遗忘的幕后英雄。  一个邪恶而又贪婪的亿万富翁将他的目标对准了月球上所蕴藏了丰富的矿产资源,他想要通过登月来得到它们并且将…
  • 作为纽约受欢迎的调酒师,博过着看似迷人的生活。一天晚上,他疏远的朋友阿德从曼谷打来电话,说他快要死了,并要求博回家,两人因此展开一场泰国之旅。《一杯上路》将聚焦一对好兄弟,跨越14万公里,进行一场笑泪齐飞的另类告别之旅。