搜索 Bowler

  •   当一场毁灭性的冬季风暴袭击北卡罗来纳州并创下历史最低气温记录时,整个北卡罗来纳州开始结冰。越来越多的村庄、城镇和城市随着冻结的蔓延而倒塌,美国现在正处于一场重大灾难之中。随着气温变得更加寒冷,气候学家和救灾专家竞相抢救生命,阻止风暴结冰之前,整个东海岸和美国站在一个冰冷的深渊的边缘。
  • In a dilapidated cyberpunk city plagued by crime and corruption, an unscrupulous District Attorney is savagely murdered and tossed out of a building onto his brand new car.  Mysteriously, the District Attorney and his car come back to life as a single being with a thirst for vengeance. The eerie driverless car embarks …