- <p> This series is above the expectations they had about it. It is very fast (beyond the tempo of each episode) conflicts are able to develop and resolve in each episode. Which for one as a spectator is very good since the rhythm is…
- <p>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>在一个阳光明媚的日子里,美丽的克拉拉(拉蒂西亚·多瑞拉 Leticia Dolera 饰)即将和英俊帅气的爱人科多(迪雅戈·马丁 Diego Martín 饰)步入婚礼殿堂。双方亲朋相聚在一起,载歌载舞,好不欢畅。然而正当婚礼晚宴进行到高潮之时,一个中年男子突然从楼上跌落,当他爬起身时,其形容大变,面目狰狞,…