- 一文不名的青年丹尼(Anthony Ilott 饰)偶然得知他在偏远的西佛尼亚州山村还有亲戚的消息,于是在一个阳光明媚的日子里,丹尼带着女友托妮(Aqueela Zoll 饰)以及维克(Rollo Skinner 饰)吉莉安(Roxanne Pallett 饰)、罗德(Billy Ashworth 饰)等朋友来到了幽静而神秘的霍布温泉庄园。该庄园建于20世纪初,虽然老旧却不失典雅庄严。号称…
- 这部经典的影片中你能看到查理布朗,史努比,伍德斯托克(Woodstock),这些家伙都在庆祝感恩节。虽然查理布朗感到自己在节日中像个傻子一样,但他最信赖的狗帮助他找到节日的意义。而且他最好的朋友,Linus,告诉了大家第一个真实的感恩节的故事。
- A group of Czech artists choose to ignore the realities of Nazi occupation in this brooding experimental war drama. When a pretty female refugee comes to town seeking help, she awakens the sexual desires of all the men, but the only one who helps her is a sympathetic sculptor. When she is allegedly killed, the man send…