- 国家美式足球联盟球员科林·卡佩尼克(Colin Kaepernick),他在2016年一场季前赛演奏美国国歌时,没有右手抱胸,立正站好,反而单膝下跪,以此抗议美国警察暴力以及对黑人的歧视,引来很多人的抗议,还被川普骂脏话,要球队老板开除这个球员,这个抗议的代价,就是他被踢出美国足球赛体坛,但他也因此名噪一时。
- Harry Novak, brings us a obscure but entertaining tale of the coming of age of a farmer's daughter, Moonbean (Terry Gibson), a red-head, busty country bumpkin who is the town's whore. She is constantly spied on by her younger sister Pretty Patty (Peggy Church) who masturbates after seeing her sister's sexual encounters…