- The main hero of the film is an electrician with a far greater effect on the people around him than his job defines. He is the last link in a huge energetic system and he becomes the binding bridge between the geopolitical problems of post-soviet space and the common people. The economic devastation of the country had…
- 2021 年巴黎。超级英雄完美融入社会。一种可以赋予普通人超能力的神秘毒品在城市中传播。由于这类事件不断增多,莫罗中尉和沙尔茨曼被指派前去调查真相。他们将与两位资深治安会成员蒙特·卡洛和卡莉丝塔联手,竭尽全力遏制毒品的扩散。然而莫罗的过去重新浮出水面,事情变得十分棘手······
- 距离第二部后猫狗休战已经过去10年了,猫狗两家共同发明了一种监控系统,维持和平化解冲突。然而当一只精通技术的鹦鹉出现,利用自己的“黑客”技术入侵,并使用猫和狗才能听到的频率来操控它们,世界各地再度爆发猫狗大战!于是,一群没有经验的新手猫狗特工要用最原始的方式来恢复和平。