- 按照资本主义的理想化定义,在该社会体制下生活的人民可以自由自在的选择工作,并获得相应的报酬。但现实究竟如何?2008年金融风暴席卷全球之际,美国的土地上无数人因为丧失赎回权而被银行赶出家园;有的商人则与司法系统勾结兴建感化院,通过监禁犯错的少年大殓其财;还有的企业偷偷为员工投保,并待其死后赚其巨额赔偿金;而当成千上万的工人…
- The British soldier Harry Turner was 18 when he was deployed to Afghanistan. He returned from the war a broken man. Struggling with PTSD, depression and suicidal thoughts, he travels deep into the Peruvian rainforest, where he meets the US scientist Samantha. Together, they take care of an orphaned ocelot, a small spot…
- Set in 1900s Vienna, the city is a hot bed of philosophy, science and art that are keenly debated in its coffee houses. Psychoanalysis, pioneered by Sigmund Freud, is capturing the city’s imagination, but is still in its infancy, and is viewed with a mixture of excitement and suspicion. Max Liebermann (Matthew Beard) i…
- <p>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f> 大卫(Luke Wilson 饰)与艾米(Kate Beckinsale 饰)是一对刚经历了丧子之痛的夫妻,为了纪念他们即将分解的婚姻,两人驾车行驶在茫茫夜色中,进行他们最后的分手旅行。为抄近路,大卫拐入了一条荒僻小路,然而行驶不久车子即宣告故障,一位子夜时分仍未眠去的年轻人出现帮助了他们,但问题仍未解决…
- yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>本片讲述了世界两大著名运动品牌阿迪达斯与彪马的起源与发展。达斯勒两兄弟生长在德国。弟弟阿迪是一位热爱运动、手艺精湛的鞋匠,梦想是希望有一天世界上最伟大的运动员能穿上自己做的运动鞋。哥哥鲁迪是个精打细算的生意人。发展不顺的两兄弟决定,弟弟做鞋,哥哥卖鞋,一起成立一家公司。本为同根生的一家公司…