- Horrible Histories returns for a special about King John and Magna Carta, starring Ben Miller. John annoys the Barons and agrees Magna Carta at Runnymede, after a banging rap battle. Meanwhile across the world we meet the formidable Genghis Khan in Mongolia, and catch up with the crafty Saladin during the Crusades. Wit…
- 出国学成归来后的唐靖姿(陈凯琳 饰)成为了一名见习律师,就在她对自己的前路充满了疑惑和迷惘之时,唐靖姿结识了名为范智毅(黄智贤 饰)的律师,范智毅的雄辩和正义感感染了唐靖姿,后者毅然决定拜他为师,并因此结识了同门周梓博(张继聪 饰)和霍紫凝(陈滢 饰)等人。 紫凝有一个同父异母的姐姐郑妁彤(唐咏诗 饰),亦是一名律师,拜…