- This film marks the directorial debut of Robert Benayoun. An artist (Richard Leduc) attending a party smokes some dope and develops the ability to see into the future and the past. He returns to his apartment where he sees the vision of a woman who had lived there 30 years ago. A friend tries to convince him it is his …
- 剧版主创Steve Franks执导,讲述警察局的头头Lassiter的噩梦组合(误)回来了:Lassiter遭到袭击,治疗时他却出现幻觉,看到了一堆疯狂的东西。逗比侦探Shawn和Gus应邀回来解决问题,他们本已在旧金山找到了新生活,如今再次合作,麻烦不少。而过程中的发现,将永远改变两人的关系。