搜索 Asan

  • At a quiet motel, a rising star in the film industry must confront her past as she navigates her flourishing career and delicate personal relationships.
  • 当社会变成丛林时,只有一个捕食者呼喊着伸张正义。
  • 本片讲述了16世纪莫卧儿王朝第三代君主阿克巴大帝(里提克·罗申 Hrithik Roshan 饰)与妻子拉杰普特族公主珠妲(艾西瓦娅·雷 Aishwarya Rai 饰)之间的爱情故事。  为了建立一个幅员辽阔的帝国,阿克巴大帝一路征战,在征服了兴都库什山脉之后,他将帝国从阿富汗扩张到孟加拉湾,从喜马拉雅山到哥达维利河。作为一个终身信奉伊斯兰教的君主…
  • The main hero of the film is an electrician with a far greater effect on the people around him than his job defines. He is the last link in a huge energetic system and he becomes the binding bridge between the geopolitical problems of post-soviet space and the common people.  The economic devastation of the country had…
  • 故事背景设定在 19 世纪中叶的美国西部,描述了 1863 年,美国西进运动的马车队中,玛莎一家穷得只有马车上的一点生活必需品,玛莎从小就对骑马驾车和冒险感兴趣,她与姑娘们格格不入,同时又因为练习做体力活而受到男孩嘲笑。玛莎的父亲在驯马时受了重伤,她必须负起驾着他们家马车与照料马匹的责任。因为和男孩打架受到欺负,玛莎剪短头发穿上…
  •   Vasu, a young medico, after rescuing one of his patients from a murder attempt finds out that his pregnant wife is abducted, and the kidnappers demand the patient he saved in exchange for her safety.
  • <p>  老妪娜巴特和丈夫伊斯坎德尔生活在远离村庄的偏远小屋。伊斯坎德尔曾是森林巡逻队队员,现在病重在家休养。而战争肆掠此地已久,他们的儿子也在前线牺牲了。老妪家唯一的经济来源是一头奶牛,她隔些日子会去村子里卖牛奶。战争的阴云笼罩着大地,村庄渐渐人去楼空,老妪的生活也举步维艰……<br/>  《娜巴特》改编自阿塞拜…
  • <p>  埃及城市哈姆纳塔是历代法老墓地,相传此处拥有法老留下的大量珍奇异宝,源源不断的人前往掘金,但却生还者寥寥。哈姆纳塔因此成为谜样的所在,获名“亡灵之城”。<br/>  图书管理员伊芙琳(Rachel Weisz 瑞切尔·薇茨饰)偶然得到一张哈姆纳塔的地图,大为兴奋的她决定和哥哥一起去那儿考古,他们找到曾经的幸存者欧康诺…
  • After the corrupt former Mayor is killed by the peasants, poor janitor Juan Vargas is appointed new Mayor of a desert town in central Mexico. Although he tries to bring the motto of the ruling party to town (modernity, peace and progress) he realizes soon that there's nothing to do against corruption... except to becom…
  • 1940年,一辆放映车驶入卡斯蒂利亚高原的某个村子,孩子们马上围拢了上去。放映的电影是《科学怪人》,座位上有女童安娜(Ana Torrent 饰)和她的小姐姐伊莎贝尔(Isabel Tellería 饰)。放映室外,父亲痴迷于自己的新蜂房,他掏出怀表,结束了今天的工作。母亲正在写一封信,尽管对方收到信的可能渺茫,母亲在信纸上倾诉思念之情,在火车站将…