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  • A trio of misfit middle schoolers band together to investigate their small town's mythic treasure, only to uncover a Halloween curse.
  • <p>  1975年的美国费城,经济凋敝,NFL(美式橄榄球联盟)中的费城老鹰队亦缺乏斗志,连尝败绩,频遭看台上费城球迷的嘘声,但这并不妨碍文斯·帕培尔(Mark Wahlberg 饰)和一班老朋友享受橄榄球运动带来的乐趣,尽管他本人的生活也颇不得意——最近几年一直处于半失业状态,妻子新近离他而去,只能靠在酒吧打工维生。<br/&…
  • The film comprises six interconnected stories, one of them co-written with actress-screenwriter Iulia Lumanare. Interestingly, the feature recycles (and completes) The Christmas Gift and another, unreleased short film, New Year’s Eve. One of the protagonists is ?tefan Silvestru, the director of the national television …
  • Faris, who had just returned from his duty as a soldier. Instead of being warm, his return was actually greeted with a request for divorce from his wife, Ratna.
  • 一名绝望的男子抢劫了一家银行,劫持了工作人员和客户,并向他们发出最后通牒,要求他们处理他延迟的交易。但他不知道的是,他的举动打乱了一个计划袭击同一家银行的凶残团伙的计划。
  • TRANSMITZVAH is a love story between siblings. They exhibit their wounds, exchange the pieces of each other’s puzzle, and complete (or start) the process of reaffirming their own identity. Rubén –the Singmans’ youngest son– challenges trad…
  • At a time when Pak Wiryo found it difficult to die because he had a 'hold', the children of his first wife and second wife were fighting over the inheritance.
  • 故事围绕着一个中国移民家庭和两个不同背景的中国女孩展开。Lucia是出生在西班牙的中国移民二代,父母亲开杂货铺,他们每天工作十几个小时,不会说西班牙语,她最大的愿望是可以像其他孩子一样在汉堡王过生日,和拥有一对“正常的父母”。Xiang是被西班牙父母收养的中国女孩,她因身世而感觉到自己和周围的环境格格不入,同时也对自己的亲生父母…
  • 丈夫在一次奇怪的爆炸中死亡后,安帕罗开始在保安、前警察和酒鬼里奇的帮助下寻找答案。 与此同时,谋杀案总是遵循同样的模式:受害者烧焦的尸体旁边会出现一个库罗玩偶,它是1992年塞维利亚世博会的标志性吉祥物。
  • 吉隆坡29日讯)由Astro Shaw与Act 2 Pictures携手制作的本地新电影《GOLD》,讲述大马羽球残奥冠军谢儮好的真实故事及教练拿督拉昔西迪努力不懈的奋斗史。如今,该电影正如火如荼进行拍摄中,主演陈泽耀自曝为了拍这部电影瘦了12公斤,大拇指和右脚板还因此受伤,指甲随时都会脱落!  《GOLD》导演郑建国、主演陈泽耀及吕杨周二晚(28日)在…