搜索 Ane

  • 故事发生的背景是意大利罗马。影片节奏相对平缓,有张有弛,这是为了使故事在观众眼里呈现出绝对的平淡、正常,就好像是每天发生在我们身边的故事一样。
  • This kicks off with the murder of one Adolf Schwartz (who bears a striking resemblance to another famous Adolf) by placing a ravenous piranha fish in his bathtub. Who did it No-one knows or cares, as they're too busy being distracted by busty Margo Winchester, who hitch-hikes into# town and gets involved with all the l…
  • 当五个朋友在一个偏远的湖畔度假时,他们期待着一个不错的时光,不知道地球正在遭受外星人入侵和大规模绑架。
  • 故事发生在1870年的英国,传闻中海怪的出没的消息惹得人心惶惶,各国政府都排遣除了军舰在大海上巡逻,哪知道这些军舰均被海怪给击沉了。阿龙纳斯教授(Dan Hanlon 饰)和他的助手康赛尔成为了海难中的幸存者,同时保住了小命的还有鱼叉手尼德(Curtis Benton 饰),一行人被鹦鹉螺号潜艇救起,他们也就此认识了潜艇的主人尼莫船长。  尼莫船…
  • In the distant future, a large portion of humanity lives on Mars, in cities that resemble those once found on Earth. The cities are protected from the inhospitable Martian atmosphere by dome-like force-fields. When a massive sandstorm breaks through the dome and destroys Mars New York, those in Mars Los Angeles must fi…
  • 主要讲述了未来世界人与机械武器之间的爱恨情仇。
  • Marple is asked by her lawyer, Christian Gilbranson, to visit his step-mother, Carrie Louise Serrocold, an old friend of Miss Marple's, at her country estate. Carrie's husband, Lewis, confides to Miss Marple that he suspects someone is slowly poisoning his wife, and when Gilbranson visits the mansion, he is mysteriousl…
  • 杀手(约翰·库萨克)接到神秘商人(罗伯特·德尼罗)的委托,去取回一个重要的包裹。他来到了交易场所汽车旅馆,与一个金发美女不期而遇,事情突然变得棘手起来,包裹里究竟装了什么,神秘美女又是什么背景,让杀手陷入了前所未遇 的绝境。
  • 幼时丧母的爱莉克丝,她意外发现一个能唤醒午夜凶灵的邪恶游戏。最邪恶的凶灵正一步步伺机逼近。幼时丧母的爱莉克丝与久病的奶奶安娜同住,某日奶奶请爱莉克丝去阁楼帮忙拿一面复古镜子,却让她意外发现一个能唤醒午夜凶灵的邪恶游戏。不信邪的爱莉克丝与好友,在好奇心的驱使下遵循规则进行游戏,殊不知地狱之门已经悄然开启,最邪恶的凶灵正一…
  • 影片讲述了一名小丑表演者和自己的哥哥一起创建了一个网站,他们打扮成曾经声名狼藉的小丑Wasco,并将照片发布在网站上。然而他们不知道的是,这一举动竟然唤醒了早已死去的小丑Wasco,重返人间的Wasco大开杀戒,不断有凶杀案发生,社区内人心惶惶,为了自救,大家联合起来,合力希望打败恶魔小丑Wasco。