搜索 An

  •   13-year-old Nate Foster is an unpopular Midwestern kid who entertains vivid fantasies of becoming a big Broadway musical star. In the meantime, however, Nate can't even get a decent role in his middle school's drama productions, getting …
  • 手术后玛尔塔生命垂危,而真爱近在咫尺。然而,心灵能否战胜隐藏许久的秘密以及变幻莫测的命运?
  • 这部喜剧片讲述了在疫情之下,一群男女演员被困于酒店的“泡泡”中,并试图完成一部关于飞行恐龙的动作系列片续集。
  •   With unprecedented access to the foremost American negotiators, THE HUMAN FACTOR is the behind-the-scenes story from the last 25 years, of how the United States came within reach of pulling off the impossible - securing peace between Isr…
  •   Amalie's dance crew advances to the global finals in France. Torn between the love of Mikael, the longing for her absent mother, and her fire for dance, Amalie must choose. Who is she to become?
  •   讲述一名叙利亚库尔德族少女为父报仇,加入到对抗极端分子和土耳其的战争中。
  • 在这个揭示钢铁超人起源的传奇冒险故事里,过去和现在发生了碰撞。在一个被埋葬多年的中国古老王国的废墟上,百万富翁兼发明家托尼。斯塔克进行着挖掘工作,但挖掘进度远远超出了协议规定的部分。他解开了一个古老的预言,预示中国最黑暗和最暴乱朝代的君主Mandarin将会复苏。为了对 付这股极具破坏性的力量,托尼打造了一套盔甲,并装备上先进…
  • 《天堂计划》的故事架构在一个资源匮乏的近未来世界,人类赖以生存的资源开始变得枯竭,同时环境越来越差,人类细胞自我修复能力降低,23的人患有血液疾病面临因器官衰竭带来的死亡,克隆人器官贩卖市场滋生,政府为最大限度地解决生存资源不足而实施了“天堂计划”,将重病或者年满60岁的人类意识上传,成为“虚拟人”。杨晓和杨蔓是天堂计划的…
  • The origins of the Justice League are explained as Detective John Jones and Batman try to discover what the 'Centre' is, Superman and Wonder Woman are soldiers for the United States Army, Flash is trying to live in a world were special agent King Faraday is hunting him and Hal Jordan has been selected to go with Task F…
  • 在击败了邪恶的博士,救回了父亲洛赫特(赫里尼克·罗斯汉 Hrithik Roshan 饰)之后,克里希那(赫里尼克·罗斯汉 Hrithik Roshan 饰)和恋人普瑞雅(朴雅卡·乔普拉 Priyanka Chopra 饰)总算携手步入了婚姻的殿堂,过上了平静而又幸福的生活。而洛赫特利则用他的聪明才智制作了很多造福社会的发明。  然而,大家都没有想到的是,在一片平静…