搜索 Aman

  • 万物皆有法则 就连人与人之间的缘分也逃不开  一首动人的诗歌 一段破碎的婚姻 一夜忽然而至的访客  开启两个女人之间的奇妙友谊  在不断深入的交谈之中 渐渐熟悉彼此 无法克制的产生了灵魂之间的共鸣  所谓爱情 或许只在片刻的火花中点燃  此片堪称巴西清纯文艺版“罗马的房子”需要细细品味这段“小三与正妻”的激情碰撞~
  •   娜奥米·沃茨、鲍比·坎纳瓦尔将主演Netflix限定剧《监视》。Netflix此前以七位数美元的交易价格购得《The Cut》杂志同名文章改编权。文章讲述了一起真实事件:一家人以130万美元购得了新泽西州的一幢老房子。在刚搬进新家时,这家人不断收到关于这幢房子的恐吓信,信件中以“想用血来填满你的房子吗?”之类的字眼威胁这家人。最终,这家人…
  • 入围第66届柏林电影节酷儿单元,获第64届圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节(2016)地平线大奖 。小女孩rara生活在一个LGBT家庭,她同时拥有两个母亲,只有13岁的她一直感觉很幸福,直到亲生父亲的试图得到她的抚养权,事情开始发生了变化。
  •   拉斯维加斯的医生们举办了一场颇受争议的网上竞赛,参与者们急不可耐地想要获得免费体外受精的机会— 这种手术很少得到医保覆盖。
  •   This feature-length documentary is a cinematic biography of a song. Inspired by "The Holy or the Broken," Alan Light's critically acclaimed book, it is a definitive exploration of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah."
  • Midah, Rohayu and Ani are three widows who happen to be die-hard-fans of singer Aiman Zalini. When the singer's last concert is announced, the three ladies try and do everything they can to raise the money for the tickets. They concocted an additive-free, all natural, and non-tobacco vape juice business. Their vape for…
  • A woman gets an opportunity to save the life of a 12-year old boy who witnessed a death during a thunderstorm which happened 25 years ago, by getting connected through the television set during a similar storm in the present
  •   The seminal question of land and the displacement of Adivasi (Indigenous) Communities in India. All the governments that have ruled the nation made laws that denied the indigenous people their way of life and their land often, protecting…
  • <p>  阿洛佐(丹泽尔•华盛顿 Denzel Washington饰)是美国毒品缉查部的黑人警探,经验丰富,查案出色,对毒品案件有着敏锐的嗅觉。人称“魔幻之眼”。这天阿洛佐的部门来了一个新同事杰克(伊桑•霍克 Ethan Hawke 饰),杰克跟随阿洛佐深入到街头的每一个阴暗角落,发现这个城市光怪陆离的同时,也慢慢见识了阿洛佐亦正亦邪的办案手法…
  • <p>  阿洛佐(丹泽尔•华盛顿 Denzel Washington饰)是美国毒品缉查部的黑人警探,经验丰富,查案出色,对毒品案件有着敏锐的嗅觉。人称“魔幻之眼”。这天阿洛佐的部门来了一个新同事杰克(伊桑•霍克 Ethan Hawke 饰),杰克跟随阿洛佐深入到街头的每一个阴暗角落,发现这个城市光怪陆离的同时,也慢慢见识了阿洛佐亦正亦邪的办案手法…