搜索 Alle

  • 1908年圣诞节是墨西拿(Messina),地中海最富裕的商人城市之一。彼得(Peter)是一个富有的英国家庭的13岁儿子,因对儿童,动物和仆人的残酷而臭名昭著。一天晚上,他被伏击,并在该市哥特式公墓的地下棺材中醒来,被埋葬以报复一名仆人男孩从其母亲的屋子中对他的残酷对待。当一场强烈的地震将墨西拿夷为平地时,彼得被困住了,他的下落被遗忘…
  • A filmmaker discovers a box of video tapes depicting two students' disturbing film project featuring a local horror legend, The Peeping Tom. As he sets out to prove this story is real and release it as a work of his own, he loses himself and the film crew following him into his project.
  • A group of friends find themselves hunted down in the caves by a creature... from another world.
  • Reporter Emanuelle (Laura Gemser) is doing a story on the white slave trade and tracks everything to a gangster living in Africa. Not happy stopping there, Emanuelle comes back to America and begins working undercover. This is probably the best of the D'Amato/Gemser Emanuelle movies but that's not saying too much. Unli…
  • When 4 American tourists - Sofia, Carl, Belle and Michael - go on a ghost tour, they get much more than they bargained for, when the ghosts of an evil Doctor and his last patient victim trap them in the old abandoned psychiatric ward.
  • 影片讲述了单身母亲Gia的成长故事。Gia有两个孩子被寄养,还有一个即将出生。当她被告知法官很可能将她未出生的孩子也送去寄养时,Gia必须决定她如何能够重新控制她孩子的未来。在这个恶性系统中,Gia认为收养是选择她孩子命运的唯一途径。  这是一个关于恐惧、牺牲和母亲与孩子之间无条件的爱的故事,非常独特,但又发生在许多人身边。
  • 继第一部电影的事件之后,萨扬来到了阿塔卡马沙漠,追寻着一个与她的任务有关的线索。她的任务是对抗Actaeon,这个跨国组织不仅使她的家庭悲惨凄凉,还破坏了智利各地的生态系统。
  • Bean travels with Dagmar to her homeland, Maru, where she rescues an old friend and learns of a mysterious prophecy she's expected to fulfill.
  • 愛情是她的生命,寫作是她的靈魂,性,是她的救贖。部落格作家卡蜜拉有狂野不羈的個性,也有敢愛敢恨的勇氣,周旋在多位男友與同志姊妹之間,她不停背叛,只為了忠於自己對愛情的絕對信仰。
  • 总是被欺负的幕之内一步在机缘巧合下遇到职业拳击手鹰村,并从此开始了拳击生涯。初入鸭川会的一步在鸭川会长严厉的训练下,终于登上了日本冠军。在卫冕第一战中击败天才拳击手真田之后,下一个对手是曾经在鸭川会一同挥洒汗水的师弟・山田直道。面对不顾情面,大言不惭的宣称要夺取冠军宝座的直道,一步的内心动摇了……