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  •   For Balduin, going out to beer parties with his fellow students and fighting out disputes at the tip of the sword have lost their charms. He wants to find love; but how would he, a penniless student, ever dare looking up to any woman wor…
  • 因抢劫罪被判十二年徒刑的吉诺(阿兰·德隆饰)刑满出狱,在社工热尔曼(让·加宾Jean Gabin饰)的热心帮助和循循善诱下,他决心痛改前非,重新做人。但信奉“罪犯永远都是罪犯”的警长杰特勒(米歇尔·布盖 Michel Bouquet饰)却仍然不信任他,处处与他作对,最终逼得他走投无路,终于失控杀死了警长杰特勒。经过冷酷、教条的法庭的审讯后,吉…
  • 纽约市一所艺术高中的入学考试现场,大量怀抱艺术梦想的青年冀希望于通过器乐、表演、舞蹈考试后踏上新一段的人生征途。考生们的风格与性格差异明显,将严肃的入学测试变成了一场意外频出的喜剧。痴迷于“未来音乐”的布鲁诺、懦弱却又为母亲期望而不得不应试的桃乐丝、吹嘘自己虚构父亲的雷夫、为朋友伴舞而意外入选的里洛等人顺利实现了愿望。…
  • Poor, hungry peasant Macario longs for just one good meal on the Day of the Dead. After his wife cooks a turkey for him, he meets three apparitions, the Devil, God, and Death. Each asks him to share his turkey, but he refuses all except Death. In return, Death gives him a bottle of water which will heal any illness. So…
  • 翻拍自《妮诺契卡》  A musical remake of Ninotchka After three bumbling Soviet agents fail in their mission to retrieve a straying Soviet composer from Paris, the beautiful, ultra-serious Ninotchka is sent to complete their mission and to retri…
  •   影片开始于两个都叫玛丽的少女(Jitka Cerhová 和 Ivana Karbanová 饰)的对话:没有人理解我们,这个世界上的一切正在变得越来越糟糕。于是两人决定:我们也要变得越来越坏!玛丽一号喜欢和老男人约会,在他们吃饭的时候,玛丽二号会突然出现,旁若无人地大吃特吃。玛丽一号把老男人送上火车,老男人以为她会陪着他,火车开动,她却下了…
  • 法国导演情侣组合斯特劳布-于伊耶与1991年将索福克勒斯的希腊悲剧《安提戈涅》搬上银幕,文本上采用了德国浪漫主义诗人荷尔德林的著名翻译,版本上则依照布莱希特40年代的改编,拍摄地点是西西里岛上塞杰斯塔的一座古罗马剧院遗址,拍摄时阳光明媚。影片背后文本的多层厚度赋予了本片以极强的现时性:就在拍摄当年的夏天,美军对伊拉克发起了第…
  • In 1840, a samurai comes home to find his wife in bed with another man, so he kills them both and then himself. Flash-forward to the present day, and an American family of three moves into this since-abandoned house and starts to experience incidents of haunting and possession.
  • 美国漫画家韦勒曼性情古怪,刚愎自用,他带着妻子从美国奔往巴黎。这是他生平第一次外出旅行,他借着参加漫画展的机会,实质上是来追踪他的宝贝女儿。他的女儿来到巴黎大学念文学,刚好她的法国导师是韦勒曼的漫画迷,于是他邀请这个美国家庭参观他的郊外房产,由此引出一段又一段笑料,当然最后女儿也找到了真爱。
  • 哑巴持枪少女对男人们的态度