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  •   Follows the people racing to bring the hot new 3D printing technology to your home, documenting the "Macintosh Moment" of this revolution and exploring what it takes to live the American Dream.
  •   Handsome and successful Jim appears to have it all: he's married to the beautiful and supportive Lisa, has a healthy baby, and works a cool gig as the director of hardcore porno fare. Jim's seemingly perfect life starts to fall apart whe…
  • An overweight teen is bullied by a clique of cool girls poolside while holidaying in her village. The long walk home will change the rest of her life.
  • 时间转眼到达2127年,修老道又从地狱中走了出来,这一次,他发觉自个儿在外宇宙的一艘飞船上,原来这是Merchant博士的一个规划,他计划将地狱之门永恒的闭合.Merchant博士的祖辈,一个18百年的七巧板制作商,就是魔方的制作者.固然几个百年以往了,但Merchant一家始末为关闭地狱之门而尽力尽量.这一次,Merchant博士要在外宇宙将修老道彻底消泯……
  • The world has been ravaged by vampires. A group of survivors band together to search for loved ones who may be alive, dead or something in between, eventually taking shelter in what may be the only safe hideout left to them. But well defended hideouts have a way of becoming prisons. And prisons aren't the safest place …
  • 两个陌生人相遇。其中一人把另一人带入了一个庞大且强势的犯罪组织,也给后者提供了在经历一段暴力的过往之后自我救赎且踏上一个新起点的可能,
  •   The seminal question of land and the displacement of Adivasi (Indigenous) Communities in India. All the governments that have ruled the nation made laws that denied the indigenous people their way of life and their land often, protecting…
  • 安妮·海瑟薇饰演的年轻女子因为弟弟的意外而回到纽约担负起照顾他的责任。不料却和弟弟最喜欢的音乐人之间发展出一段情缘。本片集合了爱情、音乐等年轻人喜闻乐见的元素,是一部偏文艺向的爱情片。
  • 一卷神秘的中国古代卷轴,由于蕴藏着巨大的力量,邪恶的坏蛋们个个都想得到它来统治世界;一个来自中国西藏的无名武僧(周润发 饰),为了保护着卷卷轴,一直过着颠沛流离的生活,他几乎躲遍了世界的每一个角落。直到有一天,武僧觉得累了,于是,他开始物色合适的人成为自己的弟子,将这个艰巨的任务继承下去。街头混混卡尔(西恩•威廉•斯科…
  •   讲述16岁女孩乔治亚·诺兰梦想成为一名消防员,而当时女性还不被允许做这行。当一个神秘的纵火犯开始烧毁百老汇大街时,这个城市所有的消防员一个接一个消失了,乔治亚已经退休的父亲肖恩被纽约市长召回,领导消防局调查此事。为了帮助父亲和拯救她的城市,乔治亚把自己伪装成一个名叫乔的年轻男人,加入了由一群格格不入的消防员组成的小组…